When the bands are slow it's time to build a kit! I have had this RF probe kit from
Pacific Antenna that has been gathering dust and just this past weekend I decided to put it together. It's a very simple and easy kit to build and can prove to be a useful tool as well. The circuit board was simply a cap, diode and resistor. It sure was nice to get the soldering iron out and again! This mini kit is nothing
Almost done |
compared to the Elecraft k2's I have built in the past. It did get me thinking that when I retire in a year and a half and if the kits are still available another K2 kit would be a nice way to pass the time in retirement. This kit went very fast but I did take my time with it as I really enjoyed getting back into the kit building again. I did find with this kit the provided jacks that are used to plug into your multimeter were not a solder type but held the test leads in via a screw. In the past I have had issues with these loosening off. I went to my trusty "this and that" pile and found two solder type and subbed those in. I have yet to use the RF probe but it was a fun little project.
Interesting article. I’d like to learn more about kits.
Good afternoon Ron and thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment, kit building is just another extension of the hobby. I find when the solar cycle is on the low side the kit building is on the high side. As for kit building Ron there are many kits out there for the beginner and as you gain confidence there is no limit to kit building.
73 and have a good week
I remember starting out with Heathkits. I learned a lot from them back in the old tube days.
Good evening Ron and thanks for stopping by, Heath kit was huge into ham radio kit building and for sure moved lots into the hobby. They are back but not yet any ham kits.