Knock me over with a feather!
I had two nice DX QSOs tonight on 20 Meters and you could have knocked me over with a feather. Both ops actually carried on somewhat “normal” QSOs with me! Ivan EA2NN and Jean F6HFX (who was also QRP, BTW).
Now mind you, due mainly to QSB, these weren’t long rag chews by any means; but we did exchange (besides RST), rig, antenna, weather information – that kind of thing. Wow! DX QSOs that were heckuva lot longer than “TU 599 QRZ?” !!!
Man, that takes me back to my Novice days when QSOs with DX stations were like any other. In fact, I still have QSLs where in addition to the card, I got letters and photos!
I really, really miss that; and it was nice to get just a teeny taste of that again, tonight.
72 de Larry W2LJ
Good job Larry. It is nice to have a good rag chew now and then. Contests and award programs dicate another type of operating style, that’s why we have all types of choices in Ham Radio.
I remember my novice days, Viking Adventurer and BC-348-R, with plenty of QRM from Radio Moscow on 40 meters
Have a good day
Ron w0eax
I am the true owner of the ea2bb callsign. My name is Daniel and I have not currently install antennas on my house. I have not contacted you. I think they have usurped my license.
Daniel Bonet
Thanks so much for bringing that to my attention. When I posted, I must have had the Flight of the Bumblebees on my mind, and was preoccupied with”BB”. I re-checked my log and Ivan’s call was EA2NN. I have corrected the post on my blog; and thanks for reading!
72 de Larry W2LJ