LHS Episode #376: The Future of Amateur Radio Deep Dive
Welcome to the 376th episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we talk with Sterling Mann, N0SSC, about his past involvement in the youth of amateur radio, his current roles with the IARU and YOTA, the highlights and lowlights of amateur radio, the future direction of the hobby and many other topics too numerous to mention. Thank you for listening to this extended episode. We hope you enjoy and please send us feedback. We want to hear from you!
73 de The LHS Crew
Gentlemen, I’m writing you from Chile, South America, I have been subscribed for some time to your web page, we used to receive every monday your report on propagation but I would like to know if for some reason it was discontinued, it was always shared with other radio amateurs in order to be properly informed about its behaviour.
I thank in advance your kind reply.