Meeting old and new radioamateurs

Dragonfly photographed in our garden in the evening sun

The weather was beautifull the last 2 weeks. Temperatures around 20-24 C without that much wind, a real nice autumn. Unfortenately work had to be done both at the job and at home. Not much time for radio, although… at monday I heard a few locals on 10m. They seem to have a kind of net there on 28.400 USB. I heard some known voices and decided to jump in. After a short hello I discovered a couple of them were old friends from the CB years. I did a lot of 11 Mtr DX about 20 years ago with one of them and now he got his license as PD1BM. I remember Bert very well as we did a lot of DX together, I even visited him now and then after school back then just to do some DX. Bert has a ear for special DX and also has a exceptional location between 2 large canals which apparently gives him a advantage. I welcome him on the amateurbands and hope he enjoys it a lot. Bert already made some very nice DX with his 4 element LFA yagi for 10 Mtr. Last friday we had a meeting from our radioclub VERON dep. Hunsingo, there was a pile of QSL cards waiting for me. Another pile was for a neigbour HAM PC5F which I had to deliver to another local HAM. Very complicated….end of the story he made a telephone call to me and met me at my job to get his cards. Never spoke this guy although he is living in the same street that was my QTH for 12 years. So, I decided to e-mail him for a sked. We did meet at 80m PSK31 at Tuesday evening and had a chat for a while. PC5F Ferdinand has all his antennas inside the house on the attic, and makes some very nice DX for instance to North America on 10m! And with Hawaii on 20m! That is really nice, why do we need all those big antennas??

Bas, PE4BAS, is a regular contributor to and writes from Groningen, Netherlands. Contact him at [email protected].

One Response to “Meeting old and new radioamateurs”

  • Song:

    No, but when most of the communications itrrasnructufe is down, Amateur Radio operators can get messages through (health and welfare, supplies for Red Cross, logistical calls, etc.) just by setting up quick portable stations. All that is required for worldwide communication is a small transceiver (transmitter and receiver in one), and a simple wire antenna strung between 2 trees or buildings! It is foolproof, direct, and effective. Hams were there for 9/11 as well.

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