More Battery Power for the FT-817
I occasionally use the Yaesu FT-817nd on my SOTA expeditions if I want to use higher bands on the activation or for some odd reason want to operate SSB:-). I actually prefer it to the KX3 simply because it is less bulky and it performs well in the field. One of the concerns I have with taking the 817 is; should I take an external power supply since the internal, rechargable, battery can have a relatively short life span. This is due to the power required to operate the 817 versus smaller, CW only radios. I was looking for a higher capacity battery made for the 817 and came across an interesting offering on EBay. The link is
The product is a 3000mAh LiPo battery that fits the 817, a replacement for the battery door that allows the battery to be charged by an external charger (included) and a nice stand for the radio. (The battery that comes with the 817 is 1400mAh) All this for $89. Now, it is a product made in China, so it is tough to determine quality, (that's also true for certain US producers as well). I ordered the package and will test it to see if it is as advertised. W4RT offers a similar product but it's priced at $150.00 and the battery is a NiMH.
I have no commercial interest in this product, but it seems worth the money if it delivers as advertised.
Mike Crownover, AD5A, is a regular contributor to and writes from Texas, USA. Contact him at product is a 3000mAh LiPo battery that fits the 817, a replacement for the battery door that allows the battery to be charged by an external charger (included) and a nice stand for the radio. (The battery that comes with the 817 is 1400mAh) All this for $89. Now, it is a product made in China, so it is tough to determine quality, (that's also true for certain US producers as well). I ordered the package and will test it to see if it is as advertised. W4RT offers a similar product but it's priced at $150.00 and the battery is a NiMH.
I have no commercial interest in this product, but it seems worth the money if it delivers as advertised.
looking forward to your experience and review of this product
Walt,watch yourself on e-bay…. If you shake hands with a seller count your fingers after and make sure you still have 5.
Don’t you just love those S+H charges…..Must drive to the USPO in a limo with a paid driver, then buy a box made out off gold and then tip the clerk at the post office…..I find QRZ better.
Did you check the voltage? I’m seeing LiPo batteries that are only 11.1 volts.
I too will be anxious to hear your findings per the battery. Ebay is a mixed bag, to be sure, but I have had a lot of good experiences and no bad ones after 200 or so transactions.
Mike good luck I bought the same set up from ham source T NEARFEST last spring and used it all summer long and into the fall on SOTA activations and Chowdacon in Portland me with New England Qrp worked great for hours at a time as my code is not yet up to par I was operating SSB and PSK31 WITH THE NUE PSK modem. Have fun and keep us updated.
Charles N1CAI 73S
Good deal and it’s nice that someone has had good use from one.
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