More Low Noise Vertical (LNV) Construction
The low-noise vertical discussed here previously, has recently been implemented by at least three of the 630m experimental stations. John, WG2XKA / WA3ETD, along with Ken, WG2XXM / K5DNL and John, WG2XIQ / KB5NJD, have all constructed versions of this receiving antenna after reading about the details here.
John's antenna, pictured above, is described in more detail here, along with some nice pictures of his matching transformer.
All stations report good results with the antenna so it may be something you might want to consider if your present receiving antenna is a noise-collector.
For those interested in getting started on 630m, John (WG2XIQ), has a ton of inspiring information available on his website here as does John (WG2XKA) on his site here.
Hi, I enjoyed rendaig your latest entires. Loved the pictures and impressed by what you are doing. Could not find the place to sign up for receiving updates when you post. Thanks.Pat