Morse Runner can now run on a Mac!

In my quest to improve my CW I wanted to add Morse Runner to my PC I am not sure where it went as I am sure it was on my PC. It may not have been reloaded one time I reformated my hard drive in the past. I returned to Alex VE3NEA site to download his Morse Runner program to my surprise I noticed on the site a link there is now a way to run Morse Runner on a Mac PC. This is great for me as I have a Mac laptop and I can now use Morse Runner. KI4STU has created a WineSkin wrapper to allow this great program to also work on a Mac PC. The only issue I have found is that my antivirus program Bitdefender is not allowing the INI file to be saved. Because of this, I have to load my call sign and the program parameters each time I run Morse Runner. I am sure I will find the workaround for this BUT it's great a WinSkin has been provided for this program.
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

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