Museum Ships Weekend
I am a big fan of the men and women who make up our Armed Forces. They’ve gone above and beyond for our country so many times – from 1776 right up to the present day. This weekend a really cool super special event is taking place to honor the men and women who have served in the respective navies of all of our countries and the ships that they have served on.
Thanks to the Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station, this weekend has been organized and dedicated as Museum Ships Weekend. 106 restored military ships from around the world, which now serve as museums will be on the air this weekend.
72 de Larry W2LJ
Addendum – I got on the air for a bit tonight and worked seven stations commemorating various ships, some of which are sunk and some of which are museums. Unfortunately, the minority were found to be operating CW, so I had to resort to picking up that little black thingy – I think it’s called a microphone? Anyway, the ships I worked tonight were:
I also worked K1USN, but they’re not on the list of participating ships. So I am just under the halfway point towards earning a certificate.
K1USN is the first ship in the list of participants. Maybe it was a late addition, but they’re there (and we worked them from the USS Yorktown 🙂
Hi to all. I do not work contests but I have operated the “Museum Ship”
weekend starting with the 1st one. It is entered on the next year calander as a “no plans to be made for me by XYL” weekend. I enjoy doing it and thank all the participents for the time and effort they have given to the past war efforts and during the weekend.
73, Leon, WB2DLF
Thanks for the reminder – Museum Ships Weekend is this coming weekend! I did a new blog post to remind everyone.
73 de Larry W2LJ
Does anyone know what frequency’s will be used and mode.
Museum ship the Schoonmaker returns on the air as K8E. Members from the Toledo Mobile Radio Association. will be activating the station. Thanks to Denny for his help with the antenna placements. Denny is from the Adrian Michigan who passed the torche down to us.
Only heard and worked KiUSN on 20 metere last night. Is there a consolidated list frequency’s for all stations participating in the event?
Just remember. This is for FUN! ALL operators (as I feel) are
full time retired or work full time and some ships cannot be
OTA 24/7. Be patient! In the past it’s taken me the full
time allowed to operate just to get 15 Q’! HAVE PATIENCE!
Can’t wait for the weekend to start.
Always enjoy this activity. It is especially a treat on cw as many of the wartime vessels were fluent. It seems more real this way. Thanks, Hunt.