Museum Ships Weekend 2013
Beginning at 0000Z June 1 through 2359Z June 2, 2013 102 ships will be participating in the Museum Ships Weekend.
There will be Aircraft Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Submarines and more participating on most ham bands.
The details about the ships, frequencies, and certificate information has been listed on the Battleship New Jersey’s web site.
This looks like a lot of fun and a good opportunity to teach our kids and grandkids about our amazing maritime history!
Thanks to Ron, AA2RR, for reminding us of this fun weekend opportunity!
We had fun activating the USS Yorktown, USS Laffey, and USS Clamagore. The latter two have been off the air for a few years, but we brought them up from the parking lot. Probably two of the rarer ships for the weekend..