My first auroral QSOs in about 15 years
For one reason or another, I’ve not heard an aurora for ages! Being in the south of the country with fairly little aerials means that it’s not a particularly productive propagation mode for me. However, if a big one comes along and I hear something….
Like this afternoon! I knew there was an aurora going on – but hadn’t really worried about it much. I tuned across 144MHz and to my surprise there were some auroral signals. GM4BYF was loudest and I was delighted to work him. Other G stations were heard tone-A including G0CUZ, G7RAU and G3LTF none of whom are very far from me! Missed Clive GM4VVX who it would have been nice to work. GM0HTT on Orkney was a decent signal on SSB, but had quite a pileip, so I didn’t get involved.
I heard GM3WUX weakly on 50MHz also, but he didn’t come back to a couple of calls. An hour or two later, I tuned across 50MHz and found PA2M calling CQ with an Auroral tone. Despite my little signal from the vertical – not ideal for an Auroral QSO – we completed the QSO. Good ears, Frank – thank you!
I wonder if the Aurora will be visible this evening.