My shack

Shack – operating position Jan 8th 2015

As many of you know, I had a cerebellum brain bleed in Sept 2013 which was operated on. I am steadily recovering, but my voice is still poor so I much restrict operations using voice modes for now.  The picture shows the operating position in my shack. As shown, I am using 500mW on 10m WSPR (WSPR-AXE-CW beacon) and 5mW ERP on MF WSPR via a homebrew transverter (just below the clock) and the earth-electrodes in the garden.  MF uses the PC and FT817 whereas the 10m beacon is tiny and needs no PC. The loading coil (above the power meter) is not used with the earth-electrodes. It is used when on MF when loading up miscellaneous other antennas. It is not in use at all currently.

When fit again, I intend to resume field experiments.

Not shown are any of the optical, 136kHz or VLF kit or the bench used for building. The latter is currently awaiting better health again.

Roger Lapthorn, G3XBM, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cambridge, England.

6 Responses to “My shack”

  • ka8tbw:

    wish you the best and what your doing is great and the shack is very nice best 73’s

  • ON6UU Frank:


    get well soon. Nice shack. I think I see a Mizuho HT and a nice K1, both “wants” in my shack. 🙂

    Frank ON6UU

  • Sam. Vu2usa:

    Nice shack. Get well soon.
    73s Sam

  • Joe WS4R:

    Roger hope you get well soon. Look forward to hearing you on the airwaves.
    All the best for the New Year

  • Joe WS4R:

    Nice shack

  • annie:

    I just have a question…I’m looking for someone to help me sell or donate all my husbands radio equipment , he passed away May of last year, he has/had a ton of stuff…I know nothing about…if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate any help, I’m in the Kentwood area…thanks Annie.

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