New version of WinDV v1.1.3 available
It was a nice surprise to have an e-mail last week from Fred, PA4YBR explaining that a new version of the WinDV DSTAR software is available for download.
I grabbed a copy and have been playing with it in conjunction with my DVAP Dongle. Like the previous version, v1.1.3 works well and has some useful new features. If you’ve got GPS on your rig, you can pass that into the network and have your location shown on and there’s also an interface to ircDDB which I have to admit, I’ve not explored yet.
I like the fact that WinDV allows you to set up connects from the software, rather than fiddling around setting callsigns on the (in my case) IC-E92. There’s more debugging information than in the current DVAP Tool as well.
WinDV works with DVAPs and Hotspots too. I definitely recommend you check it out – you can download it here
i have reg dongle and wondering if work on that
thanks n6vic