NFD from Corney Fell
Months of less than pleasant weather gave way to a sunny but breezy weekend. Ideal for the NFD contest. There was quite a bunch of us involved but unfortunately due to a domestic planning error we had family staying.
I did my bit by helping to set up and an hour or so of logging but no operating. Shame really as, working under Andrews callsign G4VFL/P across 6m, 4m and 2m all in around 180 qso’s were made.
Nice and relaxed contesting from the top of a very isolated fell road. Well done all.
Looks like a great spot to operate from!
Probably the best site in terms of RF. Worst for midges when the wind dropped. There were some great views across the estuary and to the south. But, its a bleak place when the weather isn’t on your side. Very windy and cold