No radio tonight!
It has been very warm here in Central NJ the past two days – unseasonably warm, in fact, However, tomorrow is supposed to be cooler with temperatures normal for mid-April. So I guess you can gather as to what’s happening here tonight? Yep, thunderstorms. And so far, they’ve been pretty heavy with lots of dramatic lightning. The first squall line went through here about 90 minutes ago, and another (which is in Pennsylvania right now) is due to arrive in about an hour.
Fortunately, the antennas have been unhooked from the radios and everything has been secured. Definitely do not need the smell of deep fried Elecraft wafting through this house.
To pass some time this evening, I entered my score into the auto logger for last night’s NAQCC Sprint. Depending on how many more logs get entered, I will probably end up either 5th or 6th in the W2 region. I haven’t seen an entry posted from Charles W2SH yet, and he’s one of the perennial top finishers, so I expect him to exceed my score, once again.
I look at these scores, where guys are logging 40, 50, 60 or even 70 QSOs in the two hours, and I wonder how they do it. I guess a superb location with superb antennas is the answer. Man, I would love to be behind the key in one of those situations just once!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
Same here Larry as soon as the radar shows the storms approaching. Learned my lesson the hard way on May 22nd, 20122 as can be read about in detail on my blog post here:
Same here Larry as soon as the radar shows the storms approaching. Learned my lesson the hard way on May 22nd, 2011 as can be read about in detail on my blog post here: