Paddle project

Over the years, I’ve fancifully imagined that I would build a set of keyer paddles. I even went so far as designing a couple concepts and collecting materials…but, inevitably I moved on from the institution with the machine shop and sucker machinist who was showing me the ropes. About a week ago, Mike, W3MC, posted a bunch of goodies for sale, including a Schurr Einbau key mechanism. Since I love my Profi 2, I snapped it up, recalling also that I had a nice hunk of brass for a base. Today, I cut and milled a little base for it. Lots of finishing and some acrylic work remain, but for now, there’s something special about a freshly-milled hunk of metal.

Ethan Miller, K8GU, is a regular contributor to and writes from Maryland, USA. Contact him at

2 Responses to “Paddle project”

  • Nice. I like machined hunks of metal. It doesn’t have to be fancy, finished, or even well polished, there’s just something about it that is cool.


  • k8gu:

    Thanks, Goody. I found a hunk of polycarbonate in my junk box, so it’s only time and a few brass screws standing between me and the new paddle.

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