LHS Episode #259: SatNOGS Deep Dive

Welcome to Episode 259 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we talk with Pierros Papadeas, SV1QVE, of the SatNOGS project. We take a deep look into the Open Space Foundation, SatNOGS and the linked satellite ground station network they have put together. We look under the covers at the software and hardware that make the project work, talk about its past and its future direction, and much more information about satellites in amateur radio, rotators, single-board computers, networking, aggregated information databases and much more. Thank you for listening. We hope you enjoy.

73 de The LHS Crew

Russ Woodman, K5TUX, co-hosts the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast which is available for download in both MP3 and OGG audio format. Contact him at [email protected].

Far East component suppliers

With constructors and hobbists looking at sourcing electronic components, even the hard to get stuff along with a bit of added value for money.  I have started a component list with suppliers from the far East.

Access it from the top right under Pages: Far East Component suppliers.

Or from this link: http://g1kqh.blogspot.com/p/far-east-component-suppliers.html

Hope you all find it useful?

Steve, G1KQH, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from England. Contact him at [email protected].

AmateurLogic 123: Turkey Time

AmateurLogic.TV Episode 123 is now available for download.

Part 1 of George’s DTMF Radio Control project. Tommy with Easy D-Star Programming using CSV files. Emile supports TourDeCure Nawlins. And another AmateurLogic Foreign Food Taste Test featuring Rum Butter from the UK.



George Thomas, W5JDX, is co-host of AmateurLogic.TV, an original amateur radio video program hosted by George Thomas (W5JDX), Tommy Martin (N5ZNO), Peter Berrett (VK3PB), and Emile Diodene (KE5QKR). Contact him at [email protected].

LHS Episode #258: The Weekender XIX

You have tuned into Episode 258 of Linux in the Ham Shack. This episode is the 19th edition of our Weekender series. In this episode, we discuss upcoming amateur radio contests, special event stations, open source conferences and more. We also give you some new distributions to try, amateur radio and open source challenges and then dive into our innate hedonism, discussing food, wine, song and much more. Thank you for listening.

73 de The LHS Crew

Russ Woodman, K5TUX, co-hosts the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast which is available for download in both MP3 and OGG audio format. Contact him at [email protected].

LHS Episode #257: They’ve Gone Fuchsia

Hello, listeners! Welcome to Episode #257 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss CNPOTA, YOTA and a bunch of other OTAs. There's also information on balloon-based repeaters, the demise of Palm Radio, OpenSpot 2, Apple's new T2 security chip, emotion analyzing AI and much more. Thank you for tuning in. We appreciate you, one and all.

73 de The LHS Crew

Russ Woodman, K5TUX, co-hosts the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast which is available for download in both MP3 and OGG audio format. Contact him at [email protected].

In the new place with new challenges.

Our view of Toronto
In the livingroom
We are  in our new place and have been for some time now also it is beginning to feel like home! I have a room dedicated to my rollmop desk with my radio equipment in it which was better than the last setup where the desk was basically in the living room. By way of an update we are still in a condo but have moved 10 floors up (now on 16) in the same condo but a 2 bedroom 2 bath which is great. The "odd" issue I have been having is my MFJ 1788 mag loop has a very poor SWR when on the balcony of the new place. The best SWR I can get is 1.6:1 and thats it, I have tried moving it all over the balcony but  the SWR just gets worse. The balcony at the old place is basically the same size as the new one. The difference is the old balcony was a 1/2 circle and the new one is  rectangle. I brought the antenna into the living room and took it apart just to check and make sure the move did not damage it. All was well with the antenna and the next odd thing is from the living room on two chairs the SWR is perfect! Very less than ideal conditions and all is good with the MFJ loop. I also have the Chameleon CHA P loop and I put that on the balcony and it tunes to a flat SWR. This issue with this antenna is it has to be manually tuned as were the MFJ mag loop can be done from the warmth of my room.
I was able to run coax along the wall in such a way that it's not noticeable and out to our balcony. I took advantage of a persian carpet runner in the hallway to hide the coax. I then used Comet CTC 50M to get the coax outside. At the old place I was able to leave the MFJ antenna on the balcony but were we are not at times the wind that comes off lake Ontario is crazy so it's indoors.....not that it matters as the SWR is very poor. In the next post an update on my Sun SDRpro 2 rig.

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

ICQ Podcast Episode 280 – Remote Control Amateur Radio Rig

In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Leslie Butterfield G0CIB, Matthew Nassau M0NJX and Bill Barnes N3JIX to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is Remote Rig Amateur Radio Control.


We would like to thank Nigel Wells (2W0CGM), Edward Efchak and Malcolm Heath (KI7ZSX) along with our monthly and annual subscription donors for keeping the podcast advert free. To donate, please visit - http://www.icqpodcast.com/donate

  • Armando M0PAM Champions Local Amateur Radio Rights
  • LED Lighting Can Disrupt Radio Communications
  • Licence to Supply Radio Transmitting Equipment
  • Using Authentication in Amateur Radio
  • HMS Belfast Armistice Amateur Radio Special Event Callsign
  • Satellite Operation from RMS Queen Mary
  • ROTA Recipes On The Air
  • UKube-1 Falls Silent

Colin Butler, M6BOY, is the host of the ICQ Podcast, a weekly radio show about Amateur Radio. Contact him at [email protected].

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