Colorado 14er Event (2018)

August 4 & 5, 2018
Saturday and Sunday

Amateur Radio operators from around Colorado will be climbing many of Colorado’s 14,000-foot mountains and Summits On The Air (SOTA) peaks to set up amateur radio stations in an effort to communicate with other radio amateurs across the state and around the world. Join in on the fun during the 27th annual event and see how many of the mountaintop stations you can contact. The covers the entire weekend but many mountaintop activators will hit the trail early with the goal of being off the summits by noon due to lightning safety concerns.

Now including Summits On the Air (SOTA), which adds over 1700 potential summits! If you aren’t up to climbing a 14er, there are many other summits to choose from (with a wide range of difficulty). See the Colorado SOTA web page at

Radio operators who plan to activate a summit should post their intent on the ham14er Yahoo Group. To subscribe to the “ham14er” email list, visit the Yahoo groups site at . Also, be sure to check out the event information at  It is also a great idea to post an ALERT on the website.

Frequencies used during the event
Activity can occur on any amateur band including HF and VHF. The 2m fm band plan uses a “primary frequency and move up” approach. The 2m fm primary frequency is 147.42 MHz.  At the beginning of the event, operators should try calling on 147.42 MHz. As activity increases on that frequency, move on up the band using the 30 kHz steps. Don’t just hang out on 147.42 MHz…move up! The next standard simplex frequency up from 147.42 MHz is 147.45 MHz, followed by 147.48 and 147.51 MHz.

Frequency (MHz)CommentsFrequency (MHz)Comments
147.42Primary 2m FM Frequency, then up in 30 kHz steps 7.03240m CW Frequency
147.45Alternate 2m FM frequency 7.18540m SSB Frequency
147.48Alternate 2m FM frequency10.11030m CW Frequency
147.51Alternate 2m FM frequency14.06020m CW Frequency
446.000Primary 70 cm FM frequency14.34520m SSB Frequency
446.025Alternate 70 cm FM frequency18.09217m CW Frequency
1294.50Primary 23cm FM frequency18.15817m SSB Frequency
144.2002m SSB calling frequency21.06015m CW Frequency
50.1256m SSB calling frequency21.33015m SSB Frequency
28.06010m CW Frequency
Other Bands/ModesStandard calling frequencies and/or band plans apply.28.35010m SSB Frequency

Warning: Climbing mountains is inherently a dangerous activity.
Do not attempt this without proper training, equipment and preparation.

More operating information here:

Sponsored by The Colorado 14er Event Task Force

Download:  Colorado 14er Event Flyer 2018

The post Colorado 14er Event (2018) appeared first on The KØNR Radio Site.

Bob Witte, KØNR, is a regular contributor to and writes from Colorado, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

Weekly Propagation Summary – 2018 Jun 25 16:10 UTC

Weekly Propagation Summary (2018 Jun 25 16:10 UTC)

Here is this week’s space weather and geophysical report, issued 2018 Jun 25 0343 UTC.

Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 18 – 24 June 2018

Solar activity was at predominately very low levels with an isolated C2/Sf flare observed at 21/0115 UTC from Region 2715 (N08, L=231, class/area Dac/120 on 23 Jun). This region, as well as Region 2713 (N05, L=289, class/area Dao/070 on 23 Jun), also produced numerous B-class flares during the period. No Earth-directed CMEs were observed during the period.

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels on 18 and 23 Jun and moderate levels on 19-22 Jun. High levels were reached on 24 Jun in response to an enhanced solar wind environment.

Geomagnetic field activity generally ranged from quiet to active levels with an isolated G1 (Minor) storm period observed early on 18 Jun. The period began under the influence of a waning, positive polarity CH HSS. Wind speeds peaked at 525-540 km/s early to midday on 18 Jun with the Bz component variable between +16 nT to -9 nT. On 18 Jun through midday on 19 Jun, field conditions ranged from quiet to isolated G1 geomagnetic storm conditions. From midday 19 Jun through early on 23 Jun, solar wind parameters were at mostly nominal levels with a quiet geomagnetic field.

Early on 23 Jun, solar wind parameters indicated a weak CIR signature in advance of another positve polarity CH HSS. Wind speeds gradually increased from about 325 km/s to a peak of near 515 km/s by the end of 23 Jun. Total field strength peaked at 15 nT midday on 23 Jun while the Bz component varied between +12 nT to -15 nT through midday on the 23rd before relaxing to a variable +/-9 nT through the summary end. Field conditions responded with quiet to active conditions on 23 Jun and quiet to isolated unsettled conditions on 24 Jun.

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 25 June – 21 July 2018

Solar activity is expected to be at predominately very low levels with a chance for C-class flare activity on 25-28 Jun until Region 2715 rotates off the visible disk. Very low levels are expected from 29 Jun – 10 Jul. With the return of old Region 2715 on 11 Jul, very low levels, with a chance for C-class flare activity, is expected through the remainder of the outlook period.

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be be at high levels on 25-26 Jun and 28 Jun – 10 Jul due to CH HSS influence. Normal to moderate levels are expected for the remainder of the outlook period.

Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 25-30 Jun, 15 Jul and 20-21 Jul with G1 (Minor) storm levels expected on 27-28 Jun, all due to recurrent CH HSS activity.

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Ham radio as I know it is out

I decided to put my Elecraft K3, Elecraft P3  , K-pod and LP-Pan up for sale!! It may sound odd but I was very close to the K3 and it served me very well. The support at Elecraft is amazing along with many rig software updates. The gear was sold one piece at a time. First it was the LP Pan that was sold and soon after the Elecraft P3 was sold and then the K-pod was gone. Just today the Elecraft K3 was shipped out. What is left is a vacant spot on the left side of the radio desk.........hmmmm is it still called a radio desk with no radio??? Why this drastic move you ask.....well the solar cycle is at a low, I do have some real challenges in the condo with a compromised antenna and when I looked over at the roll top desk that used to hold the K3 I just was not moved to go and turn it on. I came to the conclusion I needed a new challenge, something to give my learning curve a challenge. So what am I off to next.........stay tuned to find out!

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

ICQ Podcast Episode 270 – Round-up from Ham Radio 2018

In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Leslie Butterfield G0CIB, Edmund Spicer M0MNG, and Bill Barnes N3JIX to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief, and this episode’s feature covers interviews from Ham Radio 2018 with RSGB, Elecraft, BHI, SDR Play and QRP Labs.

  • Proposed $2.8 million Manufacturer Fine

  • The Great FT8 Debate

  • Could a New Entry Level Licence Boost VHF/UHF Activity?

  • Easier Access to UK 70.5 MHz Experimental Band

  • Free book SDR for Engineers

  • Radio Ham Astronaut Named as Minister for Science

  • Try Thailand's Amateur / Ham Radio Exams

  • Z6 Prefix is Illegal

Colin Butler, M6BOY, is the host of the ICQ Podcast, a weekly radio show about Amateur Radio. Contact him at [email protected].

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 208

Field Day site locator: Find a Field Day event near you
This page shows public Field Day sites that members of the public and media can visit.

Increased solar activity for Field Day
We have not seen numbers such as this since last September. This is good news just before ARRL Field Day, assuming the activity does not produce any geomagnetic disturbance.

Field Day 2018: Give Them A Reason To Care
When you go to Field Day 2018, bring someone with you and convince them that amateur radio matters.
Off Grid Ham

Field Day Bulletin Schedule
Those participating in Field Day can earn 100 bonus points for copying the special Field Day bulletin transmitted by W1AW or by K6KPH.

Shortwave station WTWW featuring live call-ins during Field Day
9930 and 5085 KHz. Call in toll free: 833-390-5085

Broadcaster to Transmit Field Day Greetings in MFSK64
A 100 kW HF broadcast transmitter in Nauen, Germany, will send Field Day greetings to North American radio amateurs in MFSK64.

Field Day Site Survey for a Horizontal Loop Antenna
We are seriously considering a 260-foot loop that is one wavelength at 80 meters. It can be a square or triangle.

Explaining the current capacitor shortage
In short, we are in the middle of a global capacitor shortage the likes of which the electronics manufacturing industry has not experienced since 2008.

Building an RF Direction Finding Robot with an RTL-SDR
The goal is to set up an ISM band transmitter as a beacon, and use the RTL-SDR on the robot as the receiver.

1970s Citizens Band Radio culture
“It was before mobile phones, before the internet. It was the initial form of mass communication, a way you could chat to your friends for free,” says David Titlow as we talk about CB Radio, the now-obscure 1970s and 80s technology.
British Journal of Photography


Why We Love Field Day
An 8 part video series highlighting the best aspects of Field Day.
DX Engineering

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Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by Cale Mooth K4HCK. Sign up free to receive ham radio's most relevant news, projects, technology and events by e-mail each week at

Hunting For NDBs In CLE 233

YLD - 335kHz courtesy:

This coming weekend will see another monthly CLE challenge. This time the hunting grounds will be 335.0 - 349.9 kHz.


For those unfamiliar with this monthly activity, a 'CLE' is a 'Co-ordinated Listening Event', as NDB DXers around the world focus their listening time on one small slice of the NDB spectrum.

A nice challenge in this one is to hear YLD - 335, located in Chapleau, Ontario.

'YLD' runs just 100W into a 100' vertical but is well-heard throughout North America and many parts of Europe under the right conditions. Listen for its upper-sideband CW identifier (with your receiver in the CW mode) on 335.415 kHz.

Summer lightning storms may provide additional listening challenges but today's lightning map of North America looks surprisingly quiet ... maybe we will get lucky. It can't however, be any worse than last month's CLE, where widespread lightning was reported by almost every participant.!


If you are interested in building a system for the new (U.S.) 630m band, the CLE will give you the chance to test out your MF receiving capabilities and compare against what others in your area might be hearing.

When tuning for NDBs, put your receiver in the CW mode and listen for the NDB's CW identifier, repeated every few seconds. Listen for U.S. NDB identifiers approximately 1 kHz higher or lower than the published transmitted frequency since these beacons are modulated with a 1020 Hz tone approximately.

For example, 'AA' near Fargo, ND, transmits on 365 kHz and its upper sideband CW identifier is tuned at 366.025 kHz while its lower sideband CW ident can be tuned at 363.946 kHz. Its USB tone is actually 1025 Hz while its LSB tone is 1054 Hz.

Often, one sideband will be much stronger than the other so if you don't hear the first one, try listening on the other sideband.

Canadian NDBs normally have an USB tone only, usually very close to 400 Hz. They also have a long dash (keydown) following the CW identifier.

All NDBs heard in North America will be listed in the RNA database (updated daily) while those heard in Europe may be found in the REU database. Beacons heard outside of these regions will be found in the RWW database.

From CLE organizer Brian Keyte, G3SIA, comes the details:

Hello all

Here are the full details for this weekend's co-ordinated listening event.
It is open to everyone including CLE new-comers:

Days: Friday 22 June - Monday 25 June
Times: Start and end at midday, your LOCAL time
Range: 335.0 - 349.9 kHz

Wherever you are, please join us and log the NDBs that you can positively
identify that are listed in this busy frequency range (it includes 335.0 kHz
but not 350 kHz) plus any UNIDs that you come across there.

Send your CLE log to the List, preferably as a plain text email
(not in an attachment) with "CLE233 - FINAL Logs" at the start of its
subject line.

Please show on EVERY LINE of your log:
# The date ( e.g. 2018-06-22 or just the day no. 22 ) and UTC
(the day changes at 00:00 UTC).
# kHz (the beacon's nominal published frequency, if you know it)
# The Call Ident.

Show those main items FIRST on each line, before other optional details
such as Location, Distance, Offsets, Cycle time, etc.
If you send any incomplete logs to the List during the event, please also
send your 'FINAL', complete one.
Please always make your log interesting to everyone by showing your
own location and brief details of the receiver and aerial(s), etc., that
you were using.

We will send the usual 'Any More Logs?' email at about 17:00 UTC on
Tuesday so that you can check that your log has been found OK.
Do make sure that your log has arrived on the List at the very latest
by 08:00 UTC on Wednesday 27th June.
We hope to complete making the combined results on that day.

You can check on all CLE-related information from the CLE Page
It includes a link to seeklists for the Event from the Rxx Database.

Good listening
From: Brian Keyte G3SIA ndbcle'at'
Location: Surrey, SE England (CLE coordinator)

(REMINDER: You could use any one remote receiver for your loggings,
stating the location and owner - with their permission if required.
A remote listener may NOT also use another receiver, whether local
or remote, to obtain further loggings for the same CLE). 


These listening events serve several purposes. They:
  • determine, worldwide, which beacons are actually in service and on-the-air so the online database can be kept up-to-date
  • determine, worldwide, which beacons are out-of-service or have gone silent since the last CLE covering this range
  • will indicate the state of propagation conditions at the various participant locations
  • will give you an indication of how well your LF/MF receiving system is working
  • give participants a fun yet challenging activity to keep their listening skills honed
Final details can be found at the NDB List website, and worldwide results, for every participant, will be posted there a few days after the event.

The Yahoo ndblist Group has been moved to and The NDB List Group will now be found there! The very active group is a great place to learn more about the 'Art of NDB DXing' or to meet other listeners in your region. There is a lot of good information available there and new members are always very welcome. As well, you can follow the results of other CLE participants from night to night as propagation is always an active topic of discussion.

You need not be an NDB List member to participate in the CLEs and all reports, no matter how small, are of much value to the organizers. 

Remember - 'First-time' logs are always VERY welcome!

Reports may be sent to the NDB List Group or e-mailed to CLE co-ordinator, Brian Keyte (G3SIA), whose address appears above. If you are a member of the group, all final results will also be e-mailed and posted there.

Please ... give the CLE a try ... then let us know what NDB's can be heard from your location! Your report can then be added to the worldwide database to help keep it up-to-date.

Have fun and good hunting!

Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

You know you’re a Ham when ……..

So I'm driving to work this morning; and when you commute to work every day, you get a real good chance to look at the behinds of cars that are in front of you.  As I come to a red light and come to a stop, I notice the car in front of me has one of those vinyl decals on his rear window.  It looked like this - but you have to picture in your mind's eye that this was all surrounded by the entire darkness (blackness) of his tinted rear window.

So I immediately start thinking ....... "A A" 

What the heck does "A A" stand for?  "Alcoholics Anonymous"?  "American Airlines? "Associate in Arts"? "Alcoa Aluminum"?

Then it struck me - the owner of the car was of Norwegian descent !  That's the flag of Norway in reverse and not "A A".

I guess that's when you realize you've either been at this Morse Code thing too long; or maybe you just need that first cup of coffee of the day.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

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