LHS Episode #193: All About AREDN
This is the 193rd episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, your hosts discuss ARRL Field Day, JT65 and new modes like it, the wonder of 6m and the E Layer, the NSA, patent trolls, useful command line utilities and more. We also have a great interview with Joe Ayers, AE6XE, about AREDN, the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network. This one runs a bit long, but we thought it was worth it.
73 de The LHS Crew
Russ Woodman, K5TUX, co-hosts the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast which is available for download in both MP3 and OGG audio format. Contact him at [email protected].
Ham College 30
Ham College begins studies on the General Amateur Radio Exam. Why upgrade? What’s on the test?
George Thomas, W5JDX, is co-host of AmateurLogic.TV, an original amateur radio video program hosted by George Thomas (W5JDX), Tommy Martin (N5ZNO), Peter Berrett (VK3PB), and Emile Diodene (KE5QKR). Contact him at [email protected].
MFJ / Timewave Noise Canceller Shootout
I'll let Mark describe the results:
NoiseCancellerShootout 2017 Report:
For practical purposes Timewave’s ANC-4 and MFJ’s 1026 are equal performers for eliminating interference in the HF spectrum.
- main antenna in the tests was a multiband dipole at 30m above the ground.
- noise sense antenna was a Cushcraft R7 vertical antenna located 20m away from the main antenna.
- receiver was an Icom IC-746Pro.
- both units tested have the same nulling capability.
- the Timewave and MFJ filters have a learning curve to figure out how to quickly and precisely null out noise. A couple of evenings of tinkering was required to figure out how to use the unit with different noise sense antennas and different types of noise.
- having two noise cancellers in series was also discussed as a means of nulling noise from two directions. An issue with this approach is that more processing electronics are put ahead of the front end of the receiver and this introduces its own noise and may create intermodulation.
We’re open to any questions on these findings.
Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
MFJ / Timewave Noise Canceller Shootout
I'll let Mark describe the results:
NoiseCancellerShootout 2017 Report:
For practical purposes Timewave’s ANC-4 and MFJ’s 1026 are equal performers for eliminating interference in the HF spectrum.
- main antenna in the tests was a multiband dipole at 30m above the ground.
- noise sense antenna was a Cushcraft R7 vertical antenna located 20m away from the main antenna.
- receiver was an Icom IC-746Pro.
- both units tested have the same nulling capability.
- the Timewave and MFJ filters have a learning curve to figure out how to quickly and precisely null out noise. A couple of evenings of tinkering was required to figure out how to use the unit with different noise sense antennas and different types of noise.
- having two noise cancellers in series was also discussed as a means of nulling noise from two directions. An issue with this approach is that more processing electronics are put ahead of the front end of the receiver and this introduces its own noise and may create intermodulation.
We’re open to any questions on these findings.
Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 163
13 Colonies Special Event July 1 – 7
13 Colonies is an annual Special Event held during the 4th Of July Week. Those who participate try to make contact with all 13 Colony Stations, and the 2 Bonus Stations.
Key to soldering: pace yourself
This nine-episode-long series is what retaught me to solder, and is a masterpiece, both in content and execution.
Hack A Day
RaspberryPi automatic NOAA SDR receiver dropbox uploader
Detailed how-to document.
Receiving Jupiter noise bursts
The planet Jupiter is known to emit bursts of noise via natural ‘radio lasers’ powered partly by the planet’s interaction with the electrically conductive gases emitted by Io, one of the the planet’s moons.
Observe August’s eclipse with your AM radio
Distant radio stations along and near to the path of totality might briefly experience enhanced propagation.
Sky & Telescope
Setting up JT modes with the Elecraft KX3
With quicker turn around times – the JT modes will become even more attractive for folks operating portable (less power consumption) and contesting (quicker contacts)!
Radio meteor detection via NWS Weather Radio
It appears most of the bursts are being caused by reflections from local aircraft.
The Net of Stars
Field Day Photos: Nashville Amateur Radio Club
Bow & arrow and all.
Ya gotta love Field Day
I got all of about two hours sleep on Sunday morning, finally just crashing out on one of the camping chairs.
N9TAX 2m Slim Jim Antenna review
Erroneous specs aside, the N9TAX VHF SlimJim antenna is an exemplary dipole.
Ham Radio . Magnum Experimentum
WI Valley Radio Association ARRL Field Day 2017
The Wisconsin Valley Radio Association, an amateur radio club in Wausau, WI participated in the ARRL Field Day event with a 4A station (callsign W9NA).
Ham Radio satellite tracker by K4WOF
Filmed at the 2017 ARRL Field Day event in Vero Beach Florida of Jerry K4WOF and his satellite tracker he built himself using plans available online.
N5OAK Amateur Radio Club ARRL Field Day 2017
Cardboard shack!
Some of the sights and sounds of ARRL Field Day 2017 hosted at the Orange County EOC.
FSQ: A new digital chat mode
Overview and demo of FSQ digital mode.
Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by Cale Mooth K4HCK. Sign up free to receive ham radio's most relevant news, projects, technology and events by e-mail each week at http://www.hamweekly.com.
Oscilloscope music
The other day I was pottering around Facebook and stumbled across an amusing story via BBC News I think about a young couple who had decided to set themselves the challenge of visiting every one of the over 2,500 railway stations across Britain. I later discovered it’s connected to a Kickstarter project and has a website http://allthestations.co.uk. Reading some of the comments to the video – always a risky activity – I discovered a reference to the videos made by Geoff Marshall (of the same couple) exploring the secrets of the London underground and another youtube video – via https://www.youtube.com/user/geofftech2 – where he talks about cassette tapes. He also has a website at http://geofftech.co.uk.
In the comments to this clip there were a number of pointers to another youtuber who focuses on old analogue technology called ‘Techmoan’ – https://www.youtube.com/user/Techmoan. One of the first videos of his I watched featured what Techmoan described as his holy grail of 1970s consumer electronics – something that featured both Nixie tubes and an oscilloscope to visualise the music – a bizarre old silver SAE hi fi amplifier you can see on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkCIdufSGS8.
About half way through the video he demonstrated the way the small oscilloscope worked. Normal music resulted in an animated but pretty fuzzy trace jumping about the screen. Then he put some different audio into the amp and the oscilloscope which resulted in regular geometric images appearing on the small screen. Quite amazing! I was aware of the neat regular waveforms that can be created with different frequency ratios on the X and Y plates. The Australian ABC’s logo was created by using a 3 to 1 ratio many years ago. But what I was seeing on the screen was lightyears beyond that.
He got a lot of comments pointing him to resources on oscilloscope music and a follow-up youtube video had pointers to a number of clips and sites, most notably Jerobeam Fenderson’s site at http://oscilloscopemusic.com.
You can view a number of his pieces on his Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/jerobeamfenderson1.
Techmoan also provided links to an Oscilloscope Emulator for Windows, Mac & Linux https://asdfg.me/osci/ which works on my Mac and a Reddit Oscilloscope Music Page https://www.reddit.com/r/oscilloscopemusic/ with further links and info about this bizarre art form.
Jerobeam Fenderson also offers a program to create oscilloscope music called OsciStudio via his website.
Two years ago this day we moved into our own house in Daxi and exactly two years later I can finally say that my shack is finished. Done, completed, set and sorted. After I fixed the walls and painted them bright during Chinese New Year 2016 it took more than a year before the itch of a dedicated bookshelf for all my radio stuff became too much to bear, so CNY 2017 saw this addition….
The lighting was too cold for my taste, so I made this with some old wood and LED lights I got for free from a defunct coffee house…..
Then I really got going and made shelves on top of my ham desk so I could finally stack all my rigs in one place. Heaven! The first time ever I got things organized this well. I also put in a new vent for the cables going to the outside, color coded everything et voila, we were done!
I haven’t been on air yet, but monitoring instead to see how my antennas perform reception wise. At first I used WSPR, but as there are only so many stations I switched to JT65. I have been spending quite a bit of time on pskreporter.info, which is fascinating website. Within 12 hours you can get a view of what you can receive and from where. Do it for a couple of days and you will get a feel of how good conditions are at the moment.
Even though noise on 20 meters is huge I can still hear a lot, but there is room for improvement. With the shack and antenna cables in place I can finally start working on my antennas and see if I can get the noise down a bit. Noise on 20 meters is the worst, 40 meters is fine, but I don’t have a resonant antenna for that band. The 5 meter vertical on the roof performs well for NDB DXing, but not for much else. The summer is always hot here, but I will beat the heat and make those improvements so I can work the world again this fall.
Hans "Fong" van den Boogert, BX2ABT, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Taiwan. Contact him at [email protected].