The IARU contest….DONE!



Good afternoon all.....The IARU contest has come and gone. This one is a CW and SSB contest but as for me, it was 100% CW. The WRTC (World Radio Team Championship) happens alongside this contest. These folks are the best of the best and competing both in CW and SSB to be the best! This year's WRTC was held in Italy and all the WRTC stations are designed so no one station has an advantage over the other. The power is maxed out at 100 watts as well. For more info click on WRTC. 

Ok well, I am not even close to qualifying for a WRTC team member but I did take part in the IARU contest this weekend. I took part for about 11 hours of the 24-hour contest (social engagements cut into contest time) and for the time I was on the air it was great. Propagation was good and some highlight contacts were KH6, JA, ZL and UP2L in Kazakhstan to name a few. I found my average running (calling CQ contest) speed was around 32 wpm. My contest code practice is paying off as I have no issues when someone comes back to me at 36-38 wpm. I don't call CQ contest at that speed as I feel it limits my score. I have an Icom 7610 at 100 watts with a Huslter 4BTV not a KW of power and huge beams. My best one hour run was 60 QS0's in the log BUT at 2100 things were HOT and I had to pull the plug after 30 minutes and my count was at 50 QSO's. I have to keep my dear wife loving my hobby which means radio does not trump our social things.
I had no technical issues at all....finally and had a great time. 

 Now the above score is not earth shattering at all but last year my total was 84 QSO's.

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

TX Factor is Back On The Air!

We’re beaming (almost) live across the airwaves with microwatts of broadband energy to bring you the long-awaited show 29 of TX Factor. In this programme we increase the power to as much as ten Watts when Bob, Dave and Noel head to the Wiltshire hills with a pair of Icom IC-905 all-mode transceivers to see what can be achieved.
Bob takes the TX Factor cameras to the heart of England to the UK’s last remaining shortwave transmission station and ramps up the power to a staggering 250 kilowatts. Woofferton, near Ludlow, is the home to some venerable Marconi senders from the 1960s still beaming programmes across the globe.
Oh, and there’s a free-to-enter draw. Visit our website for full details.

Nick Bennett 2EØFGQ co-hosts TX Factor with Bob McCreadie GØFGX and Mike Marsh G1IAR. Contact the team at [email protected]

Conjectural Chats

A recent e-mail in the AWA Group from Eddy, VE3CUI, elicited some intriguing comments which you may find of interest. Highlights from the exchanges have been selected for brevity:


Eddy VE3CUI – VE3XZ/3

I’m here at the summer cottage, gamely calling “CQ” with my trusty old Vibroplex Vibrokeyer on what sound like dead bands on 15- and 20-meters…yet, when I check the on-line DX Beacon, my quota of entries at 100 is exhausted from across the continent, and beyond, from monitoring stations that have clearly copied me.

All of a sudden, 15-meters just explodes with CW contestors in the middle of Wednesday afternoon with morse machines all honking out endless “CQ CWT” at some 30+ WPM. I snag some very easy quickie exchanges from “VE7” and “W6” from the west coast — and then just as suddenly, the contest is over and I’m right back to “CQ…CQ…CQ” in silence again, all in vain.

How very ironic that  self-professed “…devotees” of the CW art and craft — “CW Tops-Ops” — can all devote attention to the object of their affection for but one single hour, and in the middle of the week…! Shouldn’t they otherwise be gainfully fully employed earning a living, like all of the other non-retirees…?! Otherwise, why “…kiss and run” so, if they really and truly love the mode…?!

I just do not get it, I’m afraid…

Robert KG4KGL:

Well, as for the middle of the week timing, more people work from home now. I guess they stepped away from their work computer and spent an hours snagging some QSOs.

I work 12 hours, two days for one week and five days the following week, then rinse, lather, and repeat. So on my off days, I am on all the bands looking for QSOs and I hear the silence you speak of, all while registering on various beacons.
Eddy VE3CUI – VE3XZ/3
I guess that I especially noted the AWOL ops on the CW sub-bands about 3 years ago, or so…about the time that FT8 became all the rage, I s’pose.
But there’s a decided absence on the phone bands, too.
I can appreciate demographics having a hand in our diminished numbers, but this is all akin to outright extinction…! So many times I feel just like “…the last man standing”…
Steve VE7SL:
I think most of these CW guys you hear during sprints and weekend contests are guys that love contesting more than love CW….making CW music with their laptops, copying and entering the exchange info and then on to the next guy … kind of like a long action-filled video game. In fact I suspect that many of these modern CW sprinters and weekend CW flash-crowd participants were probably weened on video games as there’s a lot in common with those things and watching a scrolling vibrant waterfall of signals, especially if the rest of their week is spent on FT8. I agree with Eddy that the emergence of FT8 coincided perfectly with the sudden demise of CW (and phone) activity that now seems the new normal. It’s boring as hell but seems to mesh nicely with the present generation of no-code hams and those living in condos and apartments with no room for antennas and a ton of noise to contend with.
Eddy VE3CUI – VE3XZ/3
Can you recall — nostalgically, of course — reading those QST features on the crucial need of Q-multipliers & crystal lattice filters in our receivers to “…help combat the crowded congestion on our Ham bands”…?!
I sure do. It all seems so very quaint & innocent from the standpoint of to-day, doesn’t it…? “The Lost World”.
Steve VE7SL:
Indeed things have changed Eddy and seemingly very quickly. When I was first licenced and up until just a few years ago, a CQ on 7030 at ANY time of the day or night would guarantee an immediate response. Now you can CQ until the cows come home with nary a peep.
Something has also changed with the ionosphere as well over the past decade and I’m not sure why. Are we just seeing the long term effects of a terribly poor solar cycle (24) in spite of the newest one struggling to gain serious momentum? We’ve maybe just been spoiled by a series of above average strength cycles our whole lives up until Cycle 24 but something has changed. Both 40 and 80 go completely silent now on most winter nights, shortly after sunset. What happened to the awakening of the band at sunset? I’ve seen only enough of those the past two winters to count on one hand. It’s all very odd. Thankfully we experienced those bands at their very best, years ago. Hopefully the new cycle will pump them back up again, if that’s the problem. I dare not mention global-warming but it seems to have widespread consequences in the upper atmosphere so one has to wonder … the ionosphere as well?
Eddy VE3CUI – VE3XZ/3
Wow, that’s how long I’ve been AWOL myself from 40- & 80-meters at home — I had absolutely no idea that both bands were now dead at & after sunset like that…not so much as even a clue. And I’m old enough here to recall getting peeved-off about all of the foreign BC stations that routinely crowded-out SSB QSO’s on 40 as it grew dark here.
Like you & so very many others, I too expected the bands in general to “…shape-up back to normal” with the new sunspot cycle — & I’ve been waiting now for so very many years that even I’ve actually forgotten their number…! It just never seems to happen. Is it that oft-cited “Maunder Effect” that we all heard so much about a coupla years ago that’s responsible…? And as for global warming’s influence, who knows…? We’re all still wrapping our heads around how it might affect the climate on the planet, never-mind what might be happening hundreds of miles above its surface. All bets are off in that regard, I think…! But again, who knows, right…?
Anyway, I have the ICOM 751A & groundplane verticals at the ready here at the cottage, & we spend a lotta time here in the summer, too — so do listen for me in the CW sub-bands, on 40- straight to 10-meters, & all of the WARC bands in between. You can’t miss me — I’ll be the guy calling “CQ”, with zero takers in response…!
Jim AJ8S:
Here’s an article about changes to the upper atmosphere which might or might not have an impact on ionospheric propagation:
I too have noticed a distinct decline in CQ ops except for the contests.
Steve VE7SL:
That’s a great and somewhat troubling read Jim. Thanks for the link. Although the ionosphere was not singled out, the regions containing it all seem to be getting thinner which might certainly affect propagation behaviours as we’ve come to expect over the past few decades … which seems to be exactly what is happening, at least on the lower bands. In actuality, the amateur radio community might be one of the first to notice any long term changes not particularly explainable by solar activity.
Eddy VE3CUI – VE3XZ/3
A most interesting read, indeed. Does it partially explain, somehow, the state of Ham radio conditions to-day…? Could be…I just dunno. But does anyone else “…get it”, for that matter…?
I liken the situation of to-day to that proverbial Monarch butterfly that just alighted onto the bough of that maple tree in your yard: to the insect, that tree has always been there, unquestionably, throughout its lifespan. Which is true — for its lifespan.
But the reality of it is, that convenient resting spot is in reality a dynamic one, & not a static one. It wasn’t there maybe 15 years ago, & it might not be there after the next 30, or so. But the butterfly cares not a whit — that tree was always, and is always, there. Its limited lifespan will not afford it any other conclusion (assuming that insects can even actually derive any…!). Ditto our human lifespans. Maybe the current environmental trends are all otherwise “…normal” somehow & fit into some sorta pattern that goes well beyond our limited number of years of observation…?
Again, I dunno — what I DO know after some 10 years of very serious CW DX pursuit on160-meters, is this: up until about the 2010 winter DX “season” on Top Band, there was always a path, more open than not, to Europe well into the month of March, & beyond. But in the 2010-2011 season, the band essentially slammed shut for regular DX contacts across the Atlantic in February…in the 2011-2012 season it closed its doors in January…& in the 2012-2013 season (when an ice storm here rendered me QRT) the band simply folded for regular trans-Atlantic DX  in December…!
How it has been at any time during the past 9 years, I have no idea. But I definitely witnessed & experienced a creeping steady trend there.
And now I’m witnessing a variation of this same “AWOL”-type stuff on all of the other bands, that started some 3 years ago, & which hows no sign of abating.
What an awful uninspiring time for any newbie to take-up an interest in SWL’ing, or Hamming. There is nothing whatsoever to aspire to — literally…!
Steve VE7SL:
You haven’t missed much Eddy and like you, the last ‘great’ topband conditions here were the winter of ‘09-‘10. This coincided with the longest and deepest quiet-period from the Sun in as long as they have been keeping records. From the west coast, EU on topband has always been a rare short-lived treat but that winter had me questioning everything I thought I knew about the band. There were several weeks of nightly openings from here to Europe that would often start before my local sunset but the strangest thing was that during this extended period of transpolar activity there were no signals from the USA at all! It was nothing but EU CW from 1840 down to 1800, wall-to-wall and night after night. Signals were of the level often heard on 20m and if I had been tuning around blindfolded I would have guessed that I was listening to 20! I recall calling one exceptionally loud UA1 while running only 10W out and he came right back.
Sadly the following winter saw none of that propagation repeated as Cycle 24 had started to come to life. Even the bottom of Cycle 24 had nothing similar although there were a few good nights where I managed Cyprus, Mauritania and South Africa all on topband. It’s been terrible ever since as have been condx for our beloved ‘29 BK for the past several years, so much to the point where I had decided last year to forgo the work involved in setting-up the ‘29 station and give it a pass. However at the last minute, Lou convinced me to give it another shot. It turned out to be my worst BK ever (!) and what really proves it is that not only did I not work Lou (a first) but I didn’t even hear him, also a first!
[Lou is VE3AWA and the ‘BK’ is the annual AWA 1929 Style QSO Party]
I don’t know what’s going on with the bands either Eddy but as you say, in our own short lifetime of observation’s perhaps what we are seeing is more like the norm and we were just lucky enough to see several decades of abnormal (great) conditions! It’s all part of the magic of radio in the long run.
BTW, our chat here inspired me to spark-up on 20 CW this afternoon and my first CQ was answered by a 5W mobile down near San Francisco. After him and just to test my theory, I went to 7030 at 2PM and called CQ on 7030 and just about fell off my chair when my first CQ got a Washington state reply! I guess everyone just needs to get on the air and make some CW music rather than sending e-mail :-))
Don VE3LYX: 
Lots of cw activity. NRR group is one very active group. Every monday night. over 2500 members. Straight Key club is another … U can talk about it or get on the air . Make a sked with a friend BUT IF YOU DO honour Your commitment.  I operate cw sometime every week usually on 40m.
I think the last comment can go a long way to making the bands busier but with so many distractions that we have in today’s world compared with a few decades ago, it’s often difficult to squeeze-in some air time … even when retired!
I found the article regarding the physical changes noted in the upper atmosphere of great interest. My speculation regarding the ionosphere and global-warming may not be so far-fetched after all.
Another propagation oddity that is new (along the lines of my “something has changed” comment) is the annual summer sporadic-e season on 6m. I have been very active every summer on this band since the early 70’s but something peculiar began happening in the summer of 2001. In the middle of the ARRL VHF Contest, the band suddenly opened to Europe! This had NEVER happened before from the west coast and a number of ‘firsts’ were made that morning.
Since then, 50MHz has opened to Europe at least once per summer with these ‘over-the-pole’ openings becoming somewhat ‘normal’. What changed? Some summers will see polar openings for several days in a row, often lasting for several hours as the propagation bounces from one European region to another every minute or (often) less.
For some years now, it has been speculated that this over-the-pole summer propagation is somehow correlated with the formation of Noctilucent Clouds. Interestingly, these clouds follow the same yearly time slot as sporadic-e, almost to the day, with their seasons beginning and ending at the same time each summer! Do the NLCs form the reflective medium needed for 6m propagation between EU and NA or does the same phenomenon that causes polar-e also cause the NLCs? The NLCs usually form in the high Arctic regions, directly associated with our over-the-pole 6m paths.
This summer however, the polar path has been largely non-existent, with just one good polar opening (June 12) so far. Interestingly, a recent newspot in the Spaceweather website pointed out the fact that, this summer, the NLCs have been largely missing in action (!) adding further evidence to their possible link with the polar-e openings. There is still much to be learned about the magic band and its special propagation!

Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

How fast is to fast?

Good afternoon blog readers I hope you are still enjoying the summer heat and are putting it into perspective as it compares to winters freezing cold? 

I have a question, when it comes to CW contesting…how fast is to fast? I have asked myself this question during CW contests, when I decide to search and pounce most of the time the speed is in around 30-34 wpm. Now having said that there are some big guns that run at close to 40wpm. BUT they have been spotted and always will be thus for the most part then the caller already knows their call. It is just the exchange that has to be handled and if it is a contest that has a generic exchange (CQ zone, ITU zone so on) then the software fills in the exchange details.  

For a small gun like me it’s only now and then I get spotted on the cluster and I know when this happens as I get into a pileup situation. I am not some multi operator high power station with dream antennas I am just small potatoes. I feel that if I was to knock out code at 36 wpm I think my contact rate would drop? In my humble opinion ( please correct me if I am wrong) I should stay in the 30-34 wpm range to gather fish in my net? 

What say you fellow CW contesters… a dark place in my mind I am thinking that for me its a waste of time to practice for the 38-40 wpm goal because with my 100 watts along with a simple vertical antenna at that speed I will hear crickets when calling CQ contest? What say you…………

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

LiOTA: Libraries On The Air

As readers of my blog have likely observed, I’ve been promoting a “served agency” partnership between the ARRL-affiliated clubs and local public libraries. I’m told by my Division Director, David K5UZ, that the Plant the Seed, Sow the Future Initiative was formally adopted by the ARRL Board of Directors in a recent meeting. I’ve had virtual meetings with ARRL HQ staff on advising them regarding technical details of adding maps, databases, and other material to the website pages pertaining to clubs. The entire website was recently revised (again) so this is taking some time. Need I say, LoTW?

Locally, I’ve been working with the Jackson ARC in their recent formal partnership with the Madison County (MS) Public Library System to enhance the emergent “maker spaces” in that library system. Over this year in my role as Delta Division Assistant Director, I’ve been doing club development work with the Vicksburg ARC who is refocusing their activities and initiatives, including some discussions with the Warren County Public Library System, whose slogan is “We’re more than just books!” VARC is interested in partnering with them on creating maker space activities. These meetings and conversations have universally been met with a very strong desire by the library administrators there to welcome amateur radio into their programming. How can this be effected in ways that allow amateur radio to reach the two key demographic audiences of women and youth that visit public libraries at twice the rate that they visit movie theaters?

I’ve created a new but common proposed activity to be just one of several such ways to operationalize this “served agency” relationship: holding periodic “on the air” events at public libraries. LiOTA, short for Libraries On The Air, is outlined in a concept memo I’ve submitted to my Division Director, David K5UZ. I’ve posted it here for transparency. We will see if the ARRL Board of Directors takes advantage of the concept. If not, there may be other groups who wish to implement it.

Below is the spatial distribution of the 9,215 libraries in the current (2021) public library database. Not surprisingly, they follow population settlements which generally reflect the spatial distribution of amateur radio licensee locations. It’s also not a shock to know that they are not dissimilar to the pattern of ARRL-affiliated clubs. In other work for Plant the Seed, I’ve created spreadsheets by club for each Division showing for which public libraries the club is the nearest one to that library. These market areas can be used to easily identify potential nearby LiOTA sites. And, yes, POTA participants, I’ve already created an exhaustive list of public library entity numbers in spreadsheet and map format, ready for the League to use on their website for LiOTA, should they adopt the program.

Because of the targeted-marketing concept driving this prospective program, the logo I created includes a female radio operator at a library. Using control operators, getting women and young people on the air at libraries is the key metric of outreach in this program. Passive options, such as planned programs, displays or kiosks, books donated on amateur radio, club meetings, at public libraries are further means to reach this audience. But getting non-hams on the air will likely be a key. (If not, why do we use GOTA stations at Field Day?)

Targeted marketing starts with defining “who” specifically is a good fit for a product or service and delivering personalized messages directly to that targeted audience.

Dun & Bradstreet

Here is the logo that I’ve created for the LiOTA Program. Hmm. It might look good on a spiffy tee shirt.

Here’s the brief memo that I submitted to David K5UZ. Time will tell as to it’s fate. Contact your ARRL Division Director if you support the program!

Frank Howell, K4FMH, is a regular contributor to and writes from Mississippi, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

2023 Colorado 14er Event (Summits On The Air)

Amateur Radio Fun in the Colorado Mountains
August 4 through 7, 2023

www.ham14er.orgAmateur Radio operators from around Colorado will be climbing Colorado Summits On The Air (SOTA) peaks and communicating with other radio amateurs across the state and around the world. Join in on the fun during the annual event by activating a summit or contacting (chasing) the mountaintop stations.This event is normally held the first full weekend in August. Again this year, we will add two bonus days to the Colorado 14er Event. The main two days remain Saturday and Sunday (Aug 5 & 6), while the bonus days are Friday Aug 4 and Monday Aug 7th, for those SOTA enthusiasts that need more than two days of SOTA fun! Be aware that many mountaintop activators will hit the trail early with the goal of being off the summits by (1800 UTC) noon due to lightning safety concerns.

The 14er event includes Summits On the Air (SOTA) peaks, which provide over 1700 summits to activate. (See the W0C SOTA web page or browse the SOTA Atlas.) The Colorado 14er Event was started in 1991, about 19 years before the SOTA program was set up in Colorado. As SOTA grew in popularity, this event expanded from just the 14,000-foot mountains (14ers) to include all of the SOTA summits in the state. We still call it the Colorado 14er Event because, well, that’s where it all started and the 14ers are the iconic summits in the state.

Important: The recommended 2m FM frequencies have been changed to 146.58, 146.55, and 146.49 MHz, to align with the use of the North America Adventure Frequency for SOTA (146.58). The National Simplex Calling Frequency (146.52) may be used as appropriate. There will be plenty of action on the other ham bands, for more information see the operating frequencies page.

Colorado 14er Event webpage  – Everything to Know About The Colorado 14er Event
Beginner Guide – For the first-time activator
Ham14er  – Discussion Group for the event
Colorado SOTA – Colorado SOTA discussion group

Colorado 14er Event Task Force
[email protected]

The post 2023 Colorado 14er Event (Summits On The Air) appeared first on The KØNR Radio Site.

Bob Witte, KØNR, is a regular contributor to and writes from Colorado, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

6 months into things.


The end of June marked 6 months into 2023 and I will say that time is flying for me. I am shocked at how busy I am since I have retired but that is a choice and an effort on my part. I know of folks who are retired and very bored, but I have refused to make that choice. Above are my CW stats from Club Log comparing all my 2022 effort to the halfway mark of 2023. The way it looks is I am going to surpass my CW adventure from last year. 

Now it's not a numbers game I play with myself but my goal is to get better at what I do. Improving my skill in whatever it is, is important to me. With Amateur radio CW is my skill and I will be honest I work hard on it and it's nice to see the efforts are being rewarded oh and it's a lot of fun too. To gather as much understanding about my radio, antenna, propagation, pileup skills and the list goes on is what keeps my hobby a busy one and exciting one.
Cheers to the upcoming 6 months of 2023!

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

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