ICQ Podcast Episode 436 – Cyber Security in a Ham Radio World

In this episode, we join Martin Butler M1MRB, Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT, Edmund Spicer M0MNG, and Ed Durrant DD5LP to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin Butler (M6BOY) rounds up the news in brief and the episode's feature is Cybersecurity in a Ham Radio World.

We would like to thank Dino Papas KL0S, Nigel Wells (2w0cgm) and our monthly and annual subscription donors for keeping the podcast advert free. To donate, please visit - http://www.icqpodcast.com/donate

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Colin Butler, M6BOY, is the host of the ICQ Podcast, a weekly radio show about Amateur Radio. Contact him at [email protected].

With the good comes some not so good.

 It's nice we are in the upswing regarding our solar cycle but along with that comes an active sun both in a good way and not so good way.  This weekend is the running of the WAE CW contest and well the solar flux index is off the scale at 306 the sun had a few hiccups over the past few days in the way of solar flares directed toward Earth. The flares tossed out some juice (ionizing radiation) toward us and more specifically right into our ionosphere layer D! We now have a D layer that has become a suction cup for HF radio signals. How does all this translate into a CW contest you ask.....well I'm calling "CQ contest"  and no one comes back to you. When someone does come back to me due to this peculating of the ionosphere at one point they are S8 and then gone! But I can say the solar gods are fair about things in that conditions are like this all over. No sense getting upset about it as this is all part of the solar puzzle that at times we enjoy and other times we spend time doing none ham things. While at the same time checking back in now and then to see how conditions are. 


Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 343

Amateur Radio Weekly

Why M17 is significant
No other Amateur Radio digital voice system is as well defined as M17.
Zero Retries

QSL cards from the past
A complete collection of old QSL cards now totaling more than 56,000.

Ham Radio becomes voice of victims and rescue teams alike
The operators are accompanying each rescue team, providing real-time updates on the situation on the ground.

San Francisco Ham Radio operators provide critical communication link
Ham Radio operators across Northern California provided a critical communication link to embattled first responders.

HFGCS: The backup plan for doomsday
The United States Strategic Forces Command built their backup plan around the unique properties of HF radio.

The QubeDX: A modular CubeSat style QRP Transceiver
Building a QRP radio for digi mode operation that can be operated remotely via Wi-Fi.

Loop the loop on 6 meters
Meteor scatter is probably one of the coolest things that Techs can do.

Store and Forward
A podcast about the past and future of Ham Radio.
Store and Forward

An introduction to the 1.25 meter band
222 MHz has many of the qualities of 2 meters, with the added benefit of less consumer electronics interference and generally a lower noise floor.


Analog television transmission with a HackRF SDR
Using a program called hacktv-gui to transmit analog TV signals.
Signals Everywhere

The beginners guide to the Radioberry HF SDR Transceiver Pi Hat
The first initial steps needed to install the Radioberry service on a Raspberry Pi 4.
Tech Minds

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Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by Cale Mooth K4HCK. Sign up free to receive ham radio's most relevant news, projects, technology and events by e-mail each week at http://www.hamweekly.com.

LOTW Operational Again: Lessons Unlearned

After several weeks of downtime due to a ransomware attack that crippled the Logbook of the World (LOTW) service and much of ARRL’s IT infrastructure, LOTW is finally operational again. Jeff Davis, KE9V, penned a compelling article in response to ARRL CEO David Minster NA2AA’s Second Century article entitled Dewy Defeats Truman! Davis’s critique eloquently highlights the shortcomings in ARRL’s response to this event. In previous articles, I’ve also addressed the inadequate communications and suggested improvements, while noting that members discovered the nature of the attack through a Maine public document.

NA2AA’s recent column suggests that ARRL leadership has failed to learn crucial lessons about communication, transparency, and stakeholder management during a crisis. Rather than approaching the situation with humility and acknowledging areas for improvement, the column draws a flawed comparison to the historical “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline—a result of rushed journalism. In contrast, any misinformation circulating during the LOTW outage was largely due to ARRL’s infrequent and uninformative updates, which lacked warmth and personality.

While the column rightly highlights LOTW’s undeniable success, it also raises concerns about the high volume of non-ARRL member usage. The suggestion of potentially charging for LOTW use is intriguing, especially given ARRL’s challenges with membership numbers and revenue, and its ongoing tendency to alienate and outrage members. Implementing LOTW as an a la carte service for non-members could be a viable revenue strategy for the organization. However, it’s crucial to recognize that paying customers may have different expectations than organization members. In the event of future outages or communication issues, ARRL should be prepared for less patience and forgiveness from a customer base compared to its membership if leadership sees no reason to change its course with communication and transparency.

ARRL Life Member, K3NG

This article was originally posted on Radio Artisan.

Anthony, K3NG, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com.

Going beyond instant character recognition or ICR


All of us are at one place or another in our CW journey and with each path there are up and down times. Times when things connect and other times when there is a disconnect. If you think about it this is not just CW that operates this way. When you are learning to drive one day you can parallel park like a pro and the next day you could not do it if your life depended on it. Learning the times table back in school and you are great with the 9 times table....then in class, you are asked 9x7  and you go blank. Well, going beyond ICR can be the same way. Is there something beyond ICR you ask.....by golly Miss Mollie there is! 

Learning is an adventure no matter what you are challenging yourself with. I am a firm believer that to keep the mind, body and spirit healthy you need to be challenging yourself. This brings me to the next step beyond ICR.  It is the art of words and Q codes training and it is different from  ICR. In my humble opinion, I do feel you should master ICR before you jump into word and Q code recognition.
If you have ICR pretty much happening for you the next step is instant recognition but with a twist. Your brain is very powerful and I can't emphasize this enough. Now understand when I say powerful it does not necessarily mean this next step is going to be a breeze. Remember you have trained your brain to hear a letter or a number and recognize the sound and in a split second.
Now your brain is going to hear QTH, OP, WX, RIG and so on it has been conditioned to tell you Q  T  H. Well it is time to change it up again but not to worry your brain can compartmentalize things with practice. 

How does this new adventure work you ask? Let's go in reverse for a moment and go back to when you were learning ICR. You knew dit dit dit dah sound was "V" as you hear each dit and dah but for  ICR to work that was just too slow and you would get lost and get behind. Oh, which reminds me of the art of copying behind....but that is another post.... moving from copying each dit and dah to ICR you had to speed up the sending of each letter so it was impossible for you to hear each dit and dah but a sound. Learning the sound of each letter was the key.  The brain can handle that with no problem as you know if you have a grip on  ICR. 

Words and Q codes instant recognition is the same, you have to speed things up a little but just a little. Your brain has to hear what QTH sounds like and not Q  T  H. Impossible you say...I bet we all know CQ and 73 at any speed and don't hear the ICR equivalent of each letter. Your brain will put the new word and Q codes in a new compartment in your brain. Soon you will train your brain for words and Q codes. Keep reviewing your ICR as well and in time both will blend into one compartment in your brain.  The key to word and Q code instant recognition is speed up the sending just a bit. You want to hear the sound and each letter as ICR.

As for programs for learning words and Q codes, there are many programs out there that will send you anything a different speeds. If you have mastered ICR you will be aware of some programs that worked for you and chances are they also will function as word and Q code trainers as well. Just like with ICR work with some words or Q codes and then move on to more once those are familiar and then add more. Another excellent way to learn is to also turn the power on your rig to zero and practice sending the words and Q codes you are learning. The more involved your body is in learning the easier moving ahead will be.  

If you have any questions either leave a question in the comment section or email me and my email on my blog.

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

LHS Episode #550: Stuck in Traffic

Hello and welcome to Episode 550 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this short topics episode, the hosts discuss an award for GNU Radio, traffic nets, a new release of OBS, the aftermath of Crowdstrike, M17 hardware, the latest Linux Mint and much more. Thanks for listening and have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew

Russ Woodman, K5TUX, co-hosts the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast which is available for download in both MP3 and OGG audio format. Contact him at [email protected].

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 342

Amateur Radio Weekly

Sunspot counts hit a 23-year high
The sun is partying like it’s 2001.

Climate change and Amateur Radio
It is an important topic and it does affect many aspects of our Amateur Radio hobby.
The Random Wire

Providing real time space weather news and data from various sources, all in one location for easy navigation.

Help me make a Ham zine
Let’s make this a community effort.

Charging your laptop or tablet off-grid
I always suggest taking an adapter which has a minimum of 60-watts, 5-20 volt 3-5 amps on the USB-C power delivery port.
Off Grid Ham

Beyond the beacon: Discovering the unexpected benefits of WSPR
You can use the data that’s generated by the WSPR network to check your own antenna’s performance for transmitting and receiving.

Unexpected X- and C-shaped structures in the atmosphere
When bubbles, crests or solar storms disrupt the plasma distribution in the ionosphere, radio signals passing through the atmospheric layer can be changed, lost, or fade away.


D-Star, DMR, C4FM, explained
For newcomers in digital Amateur Radio communications, getting familiar with all the terms, modes, and reflectors can be very confusing.

Introduction to mobile POTA operations
A guide to activations in the park.
Ham Radio Prep

Contesting for Technicians
HF contesting for Technician Class Ham Radio Operators.

History of an FCC monitoring station
With a Former FCC trainer, Ham, and engineer.
Ham Radio Perspectives

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Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by Cale Mooth K4HCK. Sign up free to receive ham radio's most relevant news, projects, technology and events by e-mail each week at http://www.hamweekly.com.

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