NW Digital Radio
I keep waiting on the mythical Universal Digital Radio…
Despite the long wait, development seems to be ongoing and very interesting things are in the pipeline from NW Digital Radio. This interview with John Hays, K7VE begins at 48:50.
Filed under: Ham Radio Tagged: digital, udrx, video
Jeff Davis, KE9V, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Indiana, USA.
Hardened Power Systems Launches Crowdfunded Campaign to Rebuild
Bill Harrison, KK4JPT, has announced that Hardened Power Systems has launched an online campaign to fund the rebuilding of their business.
On Halloween, the company suffered a devastating fire resulting in the loss of their manufacturing facility.
Hardened Power Systems manufactures several popular ham radio products including the D-HAP and JuiceBox.
Here is where you come in, we need your financial commitment to begin the process of rebuilding this business. We are determined to remain faithful to our commitment of quality, durability, and cost effectiveness. The process of rebuilding will take time and we are prepared for the journey ahead, but to expedite this process we need your support. In return we will make a promise to compensate you for your gift with limited editions of some of our gear to commemorate this event.
Matt Thomas, W1MST, is the managing editor of AmateurRadio.com. Contact him at [email protected].
Launching Antennas With Right Guard
When I first fired it, I wrapped the breech in several layers of towelling, just in case it blew apart but felt confident enough to remove it after a few test shots.
There are several websites describing spud gun construction and a quick Google-search will bring up some interesting plans. My system pretty much follows this design, found here at spudgunner.com.
The first few times I fired the gun I was shocked to hear how loud it was, with a loud 'BOOM' reverberating around the neighbourhood. After a few shots, I fully expected to see the local RCMP arriving but when enquiring a few doors away, I was told that they had not heard anything! Perhaps it is because the thing is right beside you at the time that makes it sound so loud but I have never had any enquiries about it.
I have mounted an inexpensive (Walmart) spinning reel at the very top which has been loaded with a light (10lb) mono filament fishing line. This is attached to a homebrew lathe-turned wooden bullet, about 8" long, as shown below.
I have since used the gun many times, both here and at other ham's locations, to fire lines very high. It has always worked very well.
Should you choose to build something similar, be sure to build with caution and follow any safety instructions noted on the various websites. Most importantly, be sure to use the proper material.
Editor's Note: Using a combustion gun is inherently dangerous and can result in serious injury or death. Using the wrong materials, especially, can put the operator at risk. We cannot be responsible for personal injury or property damage resulting from use (or misuse).
Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
Zombie Shuffle Recap – 2014
Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
Sourcing the semiconductors (1)
600 Pieces, 15 Different PNP & NPN, 40 of each. You can't really go wrong for £8.66 ($13 US) including shipping and the case too.
Down to Banggood again for the full details:
Steve, G1KQH, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from England. Contact him at [email protected].
More Resistors From China
I suspect that, overall, very few hams actually take the time to read ham radio blogs. Of those that do, there is probably only a small percentage that take the time to read any post-blog 'comments' that might be made by others....so...if you missed the comments regarding my recent e-Bay resistor purchase, the following information may be of interest.
Steve, G1KQH, commented that he had found an even better deal on resistors from China at Banggood, in Guangzhou. I have heard good things about this company, which sells a large variety of items from electronic parts to the latest quadcopters. Steve reported a good buy on 1%, 1/4W resistors...50 different values and 50 of each....2500 resistors in total. The offering may be found here.
Courtesy: Banggood.com |
Steve adds: "The values of resistor are: 10M ,4,7M, 2M, 1M, 390K, 330K, 300K, 220K, 200K, 180K, 150K, 100K, 82K, 68K, 47K, 33K, 37K, 20K, 18K, 15K, 10K, 9K1, 8K2, 6K8, 5K6, 4K3, 3K9, 3K3, 3K, 2K7, 2K4, 2K, 1K5, 1K2, 1K, 680R, 470R, 300R, 270R, 180R, 91R, 68R, 56R, 47R, 20R, 10R, 6,6R, 1,8R, 1,2R , 1R.
They are five banded resistors inc one for the tolerance.
Arrived quick and you can use Paypal on Banggood, so no problem getting your money back if things go wrong."
With the free shipping, this is a super price and could be very difficult to beat! In addition, they offer smaller 1/4W resistor kits, a nice kit of 1/2W resistors, SMD kits and capacitor kits.
G1KQH maintains an interesting amateur radio blog, well worth a read. Thanks for the info Steve.
Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
Martin Lynch & Sons to move store
Pop down to the link below for more details:
I wish them well with the move and for the future..
Steve, G1KQH, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from England. Contact him at [email protected].