PSDR from Michael Colton
For full details check out Mike's project here:
Steve, G1KQH, is a regular contributor to and writes from England. Contact him at [email protected].
On Friday night, from 0000 to 0300 UTC, I will be on 80 Meters on or about 3.560 MHz. I hope to be busy for the whole time - sending CQ over and over without any responses is about as exciting as watching grass grow or paint dry. I will spot myself on QRPSPOTS. So please, keep me company if you can.
I will schedule some time Friday afternoon as it becomes available.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
Sunday saw the annual pilgrimage to Blackpool for the NARSA rally at the Norbreck hotel in Blackpool. The club has a stand there and its a good place to promote the club, meet up with on air and social media friends as well as selling your old crap valuable things.
There are always a good number of stands with the main suppliers going toe to toe with the the back room business. This year I met up with Dennis from Kanga who helped to remove some of the hard earned cash I made for the new Arduino based Sudden TX, RX and DDS. I’m a sucker for Arduino so it wasn’t too hard for my resolve to crumble.
I also plumped for a desk stand for my IC-7000 from M6TNW at a fraction of the cost of a commercial version (There was a tenner off at the rally as well no contest really) as well as the worlds most expensive separation cable for the IC-7000. I daren’t say how much it was as it brings me out in a cold sweat. Needless to say it keeps the XYL happy as things are ‘tidy’.
It was sad to see that as a forty something year old I was one of the youngest there. But I’m aware that the RSGB are on the case so hopefully we’ll see a reduction in the average age before too long. It’ll be another year before I go to another rally so I’m glad that I went and thanks to Dave and his team for putting on the event.
Alex Hill, G7KSE, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, UK. Contact him at [email protected].
A most appropriate and deserving choice!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
AmateurLogic 71: Our 9th Anniversary
AmateurLogic.TV Episode 71 is now available for download.
It’s ALTV’s 9th Anniversary. We give away the IC-7100 complete mobile outfit.
Tommy talks about Dynamic DNS and when to use it.
Peter prepares for his balloon flight.
George presents his CheapoDuino scaled down Arduino Uno clone.
Plus what we’ve been up to…
George Thomas, W5JDX, is co-host of AmateurLogic.TV, an original amateur radio video program hosted by George Thomas (W5JDX), Tommy Martin (N5ZNO), Peter Berrett (VK3PB), and Emile Diodene (KE5QKR). Contact him at [email protected].
Yours truly will be on the air as N2A as follows:
October 16th - from 0000 to 0200 UTC on 7.040 MHz (Wednesday evening EDT)
October 17th - from 0000 to 0200 UTC on 7.040 MHz (Thursday evening EDT)
October 18th - from 0000 to 0300 UTC on 3.560 MHz (Friday evening EDT)
Coincidentally, I will be taking a vacation day from work this Friday, October 17th - so after some chores, I will probably get on during the day to try and work some of the higher bands.
As you can see from the table, I was on 20 Meters last night. It was dead - deader than a door nail! So towards the end of my shift, I checked with the Reverse Beacon Network to make sure that there were no N2A stations on 80 Meters and I shifted over there. It was better. Not much, but I did manage to make a few QSOs.
For all the information about the NAQCC's Anniversary celebration, you can go to All the QSL information is there. To see a list of activity that's already been planned, go to Keep in mind, this is activity that has been pre-scheduled to this point. More will be added as operator's personal time permits. I know that I probably won't be able to add my additional Friday or Saturday daytime operating time until relatively close to when it's actually going to happen. In addition, I'm not sure that I will operate from home or perhaps the local park. So check the schedule often as it will most likely be amended - a lot!
As I mentioned before, another good tool to check for NAQCC Anniversary activity is to simply go over to the Reverse Beacon Network and simply plug in the N#A call for any, or perhaps the particular district your interested in QSOing with. For example, just enter N2A where it says "search spot by callsign" under the map. That will tell you where WA2NYY, WK2T, K2YGM or myself happen to be at any particular moment.
Oh, and if you try to work me as N2A, please be patient! I am trying to make these QSOs just a tad more than "TNX UR 599, 73 DE N2A". Not ragchews, per se, but definitely more than get-it-done-with-quick.
UPDATE: Thanks to the following, who kept me company during lunch and got in a QSO with N2A (me) in the process - Steve AB0XE, Andy KD4UKW, Anthony KK4VAU, Van N4ERM - all on 20 Meters - 14.060 MHz. Oh, and Van ..... not sure what you were using as far as rigs go, but your signal almost made my earbuds pop out - 599 +++! Great signal from North Carolina!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
LNR LD-5 no news is good news?
Since I passed on the news of this radio to G3XBM's blog umpteen weeks ago when I first spotted it on the LNR precision Facebook pages, the only thing I can report at the moment is the LNR website has been upgraded with general information, plus a short form spec, and highlighted Ordering Information Soon.
With Christmas on the way we eagerly await an announcement of price, I guess they are just doing the final tuning before release?
Steve, G1KQH, is a regular contributor to and writes from England. Contact him at [email protected].