All ok?
Website moved to a new server…seems all ok to me. This new server will give me more space and flexibilty as well as being far faster than the previous one.
update: A couple of issues need ironing out but these won’t be done for a bit. But things are back on the air at least.
Alex Hill, G7KSE, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, UK. Contact him at [email protected].
On Making Nanowaves – Part 2
Shining just a low-powered laser across this region was not something that I felt even remotely comfortable about doing. I felt much better about the project the more I learnt about LED's and of the good results being had by other experimenters.
Another exceptionally good source of valuable information (and probably the best on the Internet) is the 'optical' page site of Clint Turner, KA7OEI. Clint is an exceptionally gifted engineer-experimenter and is extremely generous in sharing his knowledge with others. As our local project developed over the course of many weeks, we exchanged several e-mails. My numerous questions would always result in very long detailed answers...and precise explanations for the reasons behind the answer or suggestions.
Clint Turner, KA7OEI |
Just name any radio-related activity and Clint seems to be not only involved in it but has excelled in it. His willingness to share with others is just another example of why our hobby is so enjoyable!
While still deciding on receiver / transmitter designs, I built a small audio tone generator that would be needed, no matter what type of transmitter was eventually built. The plan was to have some method of making our signals stand out when searching for them in the noise. A distinctive two-tone FSK alert tone was decided upon as it could easily be built using a pair of 555's or a single 556. The final module allowed for three separate FSK 'beacon' mode, a keyed 'CW' mode and a short 'dash' mode (less annoying than the 'alert' tones).
Modulator mounted on TX |
Courtesy: |
No doubt there are other methods of building the FSK alert module but the 556 is simple and worked well.
For very weak-signal CW work, likely involving slow-speed (QRSS) modes in future 'non-line-of-sight' (NLOS) 'cloudbounce' trials, something with a bit more accuracy such as a crystal oscillator divided-down to audio frequencies would be better. Such a system would be very stable and provide a more precise modulation frequency... necessary for the narrow bandwidth viewing windows required for Argo or similar DSP audio viewers.
With the tone generator taken care of, the receiver was next on the list.
Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
ERP calculation on 472kHz
In an attempt to establish my ERP on 472kHz, I have crunched some numbers. I think it is error free, but no doubt someone will soon tell me!
With a 1:46 step up toroid, I am measuring the DC volts rectified across a 470 ohm secondary load resistor using a small 50uA meter in series with 240k ohms (120k twice) and a series silicon diode. This circuit is straight out of the “LF Today” book available from the RSGB bookshop.
DC current = 30uA
DC voltage across 470ohm secondary load = 0.6 + (240 x 10E3 x 30 x 10E-6) = 7.8V
DC voltage (rms) across 470 ohm = 7.8/1.414 = 5.52Vrms
I secondary = 5.52 * 10E3/470 = 11.7mA
I primary = 46 * Is = 46 * 11.7mA = 0.54A
Rrad = 160 * pi^^2 * Heff^^2/lambda^^2 = 160 * 3.14 * 3.14 * 2 *2/(630 * 630) =0.0159 ohms
P(erp) = I^^2 * R = 0.54* 0.54 * 0.0159 W = 4.6mW
My original guesstimate of 5mW ERP is not far out!
Clearly getting the antenna much higher would help enormously as ERP is proportional to Heff^^2. All one can really be sure of is the order of magnitude. I am running low milliwatts.
Roger Lapthorn, G3XBM, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cambridge, England.
My 5 Minutes of Fame!
I like listening to the podcast of Ham Nation – which is both in video format and audio format – during my commute to the office. Every other week they have a segment with user supplied videos.
Burke Jones, NØHYD, is a regular contributor to and writes from Kansas, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
My 5 Minutes of Fame!
I like listening to the podcast of Ham Nation – which is both in video format and audio format – during my commute to the office. Every other week they have a segment with user supplied videos.
Burke Jones, NØHYD, is a regular contributor to and writes from Kansas, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
So long for now ….. sort of!
So long for now, sort of!
I have decided to ask Matt W1MST, the Editor at to end the mirroring of this blog there. I know this may appear to be kind of sudden, but actually, this has been a decision that I have been trying to discern since this past Easter.
The content of this blog is mostly about QRP and CW as you all know. So actually, I do cater to a rather small niche in the Amateur Radio world, and the things of which I write are not of interest to everyone – or even a large portion of everyone. In addition, I have also been known to throw in random posts here and there that are of a religious or political nature, when the mood strikes me. And I also regale my readers with my wacky sense of humor now and then. They say that writers should write about what they know best, and that’s what I try to do – and at this stage of my life, I’m not going to change that.
That’s fine for people who actually come to looking for that kind of thing. They know what they’re in for when they walk through my door. But to be foisted upon folks coming to a “general interest” Amateur Radio site? I think maybe not so much.
So, readers, if you like my ramblings – please feel free to come to at anytime, 24/7/365. The door is always open and you’ll always be welcome. And per chance, should you not like what you see there – you’re always free to “change the channel”.
My thanks to Matt W1MST and for the continued support over the past few years. Matt has been a most gracious host, ever since he asked my permission to mirror this blog over there. Certainly, the service he offers to the Amateur Radio community is a treasure. I will continue to keep the link to active and open in my blog roll. I hope you’ll feel free to bounce back and forth between us.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1931 August 15 2014
- Ham Radio payload to fly around the moon before years end
- France says yes to direct student to ISS astronaut contacts
- IARUMS says 40 meter intruder has left the airwaves
- FCC extends mandatory texting to 911 service
- Amateur radio club honors the Civilian Conservation Corps
- Special event celebrates the first contact between the UK and ZL