PARP 48–Now Available
The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast, episode 48 is now available to download or stream. You can subscribe via iTunes, Zune or stream directly from Want to stream on the go from your favorite smart phone device? You can do that as well from our mobile site.
In this episode I discuss all that awaits those US Technician class operators once they upgrade to the general class license. Of course, I’m talking about the world of HF.
As a member of both the ARRL and RSGB, I share what I feel is the importance of both belonging to and supporting our national organizations. I discuss briefly the RSGB upcoming extraordinary general meeting taking place on 19 November and encourage all RSGB members to educate yourself and vote. Links are provided in the episode 48 show notes available here.
During our featured website segment I introduce listeners to the website. Tomas Mesta, K6THM provides the featured Elmer Connection article on Finally I round out some of my own amateur radio adventures in the last month. Thank you for listening.