Picked up one of these today
It’s called the Music Bullet.
It’s a little portable speaker that was designed to be used with laptops, iPods, iPads, MP3 players, etc.
I saw this on the “As Seen on TV” shelf that my local A&P Supermarket has. In the back of my mind, I remember seeing the TV commercial for this, some time back. Going online, I see they are still available for $19.99 “plus shipping and handling” (translated, “This is REALLY where we make our money”) I got mine for $10 and no shipping and handling. I figured it would work well with the KX3. It’s very small and extends if you desire extra bass response – which I guess is not critical for CW work.
It has a small, built in amplifier, so it needs and has a rechargeable battery. The battery is charged via a USB port. The box says that one charge provides seven hours of continuing listening capability. What I really like about this little speaker, though, can be seen in the top picture. The cord is retractable, just like a tape measure. And the plug fits right into the molded cover to which it is attached, for even more protection while not being used.
I plugged it into the KX3 tonight and it seems to work just fine. I don’t need “kickin’ bass”, just something that will allow me to hear the KX3 when I do not wish to use ear buds. Let’s face it, the KX3’s built in tiny speaker is not the best. This is small, very portable, sounds decent enough and seems to do a good job. If it were $19.99, I think I probably would have passed – but for $10.00, it was a good deal.
The CW portions of the bands were dead tonight. I guess everyone is pre-occupied with the CQ WW WPX SSB contest. I worked HI3LFE in the Dominican Republic on 30 Meters; but other than Lorenzo, I didn’t hear much activity at all on any of the CW sub-bands.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
How is the filering in it as to iso;ating any RF singnal in the shack, providing the operator has a good grounding system. Does it detect in the audio and supurfious signals ?
Thanks KB2RSK
Hi Larry,
Where did you get that speaker at.
Looks really nice and I bet it sounds as good as it looks.