I have new neighbours and I am afraid they have PLC internet. I have to found out if that's the case. As you can hear its a terrible QRM on 10 meter band last Sunday afternoon.

Friday I did hear JA4FKX/QRP on 14060 KHz. Very good signal here, but no takers. I tried to call him but he could not hear me, even with 5 watts, I know Dick F8WBD worked him twice with 2 watts.

Paul Stam, PC4T, is a regular contributor to and writes from the Netherlands. Contact him at

One Response to “PLC”

  • Steve G0PQB:

    I heard a similar noise on 160m a few weeks ago but it was only on for about five minutes and finished just before my local club net which I run each Monday night. I have not heard it since and went on the WPX SSB contest on 10m /15m and listened on other bands and haven’t heard it again. It sounds awful but the people who advocate this system don’t care about what harm they cause. They look upon Radio Amateurs as being a nuisance and a group who may affect their profits – quite sad really.

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