Poetic justice?
Following my last post it is perhaps ironic that for the last few evenings I have been plagued by an increase in QRM.
Trying some JT65 on 40m I was being plagued by S8-S9 of local noise, it is noise I have had regularly (even before the purchase of my PLT devices) so I reconnected up the WiMo QRM Eliminator, which has been collecting dust, to see if I could improve matters.
Using just a short piece of wire as the auxillary 'noise' antenna managed to null out most of it to greatly improve reception. No commentary on the video below but hopefully you can see it working.
Interestingly the noise seems to abate around 11pm when people are off to bed.
Andrew Garratt, MØNRD, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from East Midlands, England. Contact him at [email protected].Trying some JT65 on 40m I was being plagued by S8-S9 of local noise, it is noise I have had regularly (even before the purchase of my PLT devices) so I reconnected up the WiMo QRM Eliminator, which has been collecting dust, to see if I could improve matters.
Using just a short piece of wire as the auxillary 'noise' antenna managed to null out most of it to greatly improve reception. No commentary on the video below but hopefully you can see it working.
Interestingly the noise seems to abate around 11pm when people are off to bed.