Portable Ops 14, 15, 16, 17/45: Catching up!
Well, I have been having a bunch of fun on the radio doing portable operations, but I have fallen behind on my blog!
I am going to condense this down with just dates and number of stations worked:
4/4/16 – 4 stations worked (3 of them were SKCC members)
4/5/16 – 3 stations worked (all of them were SKCC members)
4/7/16 – SKCC Europe Sprint:
I was able to get out of the office for a bit and work this sprint. Any station is welcome to participate, but it is setup so the time works better for SKCC European members. The band was in OK shape, and I managed to work 6 stations in 90 minutes.
F6HKA – France, awesome signal here in Kansas, and a great Op!
K1PUG – Connecticut
WH6LE – North Carolina
KG6MC – South Carolina
KD6SX – Oregon
F6EJN – France
So I began the Sprint in France and ended in France! Fun times!
I plan on working SKCC Weekend Sprintathon this weekend. I don’t know how much time I will actually have but will give it a good go when I have time!