Sometimes I like to make QSO's instead of endless calling with QRP CW or JT9 without takers. You know what I mean? PSK31 is the right mode for making QSO's in a row. In the early morning I work on 40 meters and at day time the highest band possible.

On 40 m I worked: UA3TN, OH6FSO, YU1SAA, US8ISY, UT3MR, UT0SE. On 20 meters: UT1PA (see photo), HA6ZX. With JT9 LY2CV. I was also spotted with PSK31 by AI4HH and WB4SIA on 20 meters. I heard TI5MLJ on 20m PSK31 with good signals, but after 1 CQ cycle he was gone.

Paul Stam, PC4T, is a regular contributor to and writes from the Netherlands. Contact him at

One Response to “PSK31”

  • john mann kk4itn:

    The first time I have ever seen PSK31 was last week-end. I looked and the operator all excited said look we got one. I looked at the pretty waterfall on his lap top and said, whats that? A contact he said. He was typing away on his lap top and quite pleased. I stood and watched and said nothing.

    This was to me the same as IM except put out on the ham frequency and buying more stuff! I knew right then and there this wasn’t for me. It is modern and up to date but button pushing and typing is not my thing. I thought to myself the operator doesn’t use anything except his typing skill and a computer and wears out his rig and coax.

    When I got home I realized the fact that I am old and stuck in yesterday. My vibroplex paddles, cheap keyer were quite the modern touch. After all I did upgrade from a straight key and now my cw timing was great thanks to a cheap MFJ-401B [bought used for $20]. I called cq on 20 [14.050] and started chatting. Made about 6 contacts, put all information in my log book, wrote out qsl cards and really was quite pleased.

    Goes to show if everyone liked the same thing the world [ham] would be a very boaring place to operate in. AND YES I DON’T USE COAX, the old 450 ladder line works great to my 65 foot dipole!


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