QRP Web Ring
For more years than I care to remember my website G4ILO’s Shack has been a member of the QRP Web Ring. Web rings are a tool dating from long before search engines came on the scene and were set up to help web surfers locate sites of similar interest.
In order to be a member of the QRP Web Ring I include some links to other web ring sites on my home page, plus a banner.
Clicking some of the web ring links from G4ILO’s Shack and other linked sites today I found that many of the links were broken and most of the rest were pages of extremely poor quality. So I am considering removing the QRP Web Ring code from my site.
Whether you still use the QRP Web Ring to find other QRP-related sites, or if you have never used it and have no intention of using it now that you know about it, I would appreciate your comments.
Hello Juilian
I recently had a look myself and had the same experience as yourself. They used to be a good way for like minded QRP enthusiasts to access relevant web sites but I think that with the rise of resources such as this site, Google web pages, Youtube etc that maybe webrings have had their day and it’s time to move on.
Hi Julian,
I used to check web rings for a number of different interests but found what you’re experiencing. I don’t bother anymore. I do check links that the site owner lists and maintains.
It’s interesting you bring up the topic Julian. I tried to access a lot of the sites in the webring via the button on your site a month ago and had the same experience as you. If the ring were cleaned up and maintained it would be an awesome resource for a budding QRPer like myself – one that would be greatly appreciated. As it is right now it’s just a source of frustration.