QSOs on the SO-50 satellite: Fair weather operating!
The only trouble with my very portable satellite setup, consisting of the UV-5R handheld and the Elk yagi is that if the weather is less clement, the prospect of venturing out to make satellite contacts is somewhat less attractive!
Today was sunny if a little cool and once I’d finished my chores, I decided to see what was happening on SO-50. The first pass was well to the East of me, with plenty of activity but few contacts being made. I was more optimistic about the next pass, which was almost overhead here. I was pleased to work PA4MRS/P with a nice easy contact and scraped a quick one with an S56 station over in JN76. My final pass yielded a very nice contact with ES6DO. Just as the satellite faded, I’m pretty sure I heard a Norwegian station.
Good to make some interesting contacts. I suppose making some satellite contacts when there’s snow on the ground will prove my enthusiasm!
Hi Tim
Just to say hello and I got my ham ticket just a bit before you did. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t into it long before the ticket but I could only listen and study. Like me it sounds like you have way too many interests. Need more time, 48 hour days and here I am retired and still don’t have the time. I have a little web site you may find interesting. Have a look at it and if you can see improvements, corrections, or things you think should be added to benefit other hams or ham wannabes feel free to send a comment. I rarely hear from anyone but can see from the hits that its being viewed. Still, I know there must be dead links that should be refreshed or taken down.
WEB Site: ldsradio.ca