RadioShack Brands

Recently, Retail Ecommerce Ventures (REV) announced its purchase of certain iconic RadioShack brands and related assets. Many radio amateurs and electronics hobbyists would like to see something happen in the way of a new, improved RadioShack, whether online or via brick-and-mortar stores. RadioShack is still a strong brand but it takes more than a brand to drive success in business. Count me as a bit skeptical that anything significant will happen with this move but I would be happy to be wrong about that.

A quick look at the web site reveals some cross-selling on the top of the home page to Linens+Things, Pier 1, Dressbarn, Farmerscart, The Franklin Mint and Modell’s. In what marketing universe does that make sense?

RadioShack Brands

Not too long ago, I got to looking at the list of old RadioShack brand names. I thought I was a tech-savvy RadioShack dude but quickly found out they had a boatload of brand names that I never heard of. (One could argue that RadioShack completely messed up its branding strategy with so many diverse product line brands.)

Here’s what I found:

AntennaCraft (outdoor antennas and amplifiers)
Auvio (audio/video cables, LCD TV’s, headphones, premium surge protectors and speakers)
Enercell (batteries and power)
Gigaware (computer, GPS and iPod accessories, mp3 players and accessories, as well as digital cameras, digital camera accessories)
PointMobl (Wireless Phone Accessories)
Accurian (audio and video equipment and accessories)
MyMusix (MP3 players; later marketed under the Gigaware brand)
Kronus (tools)
Optimus (formerly audio and PA/DJ equipment; later used for digital camera accessories)
Presidian (audio and video equipment, telephones, flashlights,calculators, and 2-way radios)
VoiceStar (wireless phone accessories)
Archer (wiring and antennas)
Duofone (telephones & accessories)
Micronta (scientific and educational equipment)
Realistic (used broadly for radio and audio equipment)


And if you want to go deeper, here is a history page on the RadioShack company.

Maybe they will bring back the Battery-A-Month Club.

73 Bob K0NR

The post RadioShack Brands appeared first on The KØNR Radio Site.

Bob Witte, KØNR, is a regular contributor to and writes from Colorado, USA. Contact him at

9 Responses to “RadioShack Brands”

  • N6XJP:

    Radio Shack forgot to dance with the one that brung ‘em. By the time the local stores closed you couldn’t even buy a radio in the store. The parts bins were always empty. It was Chinese Junk toys, Japanese Phones, and even candy on the counter. Employees that had no clue and could not tell a capacitor from their own thumb. If this company wants to get “involved” in “radio” at any level, they will have to avoid the original mistakes. We can now get just about everything on line….but on Saturday afternoon when you really need a PL 259….well, you know.

  • jeff n1kdo:

    What about “Science Fair” — wasn’t that a radio shack brand?

  • Dan KC3NUL:

    I used to work at Radio Shack in the mid-2000’s, well before I was a licensed ham. Even back then, they were doing their best to alienate the tinkerers and electronics enthusiasts who made their brand what it was. Once they removed or downsized their parts drawers and associated components, there was nothing differentiating them from their competitors like Best Buy and Circuit City (RIP). Outside of the ham equipment and electronics components which was once their “core” business, RS was actually an inferior retailer as their prices were often higher for comparable items.

  • Ron N8WCR:

    I used to work at Radio Shack back in the 70’s while in high school, right before they started to get junk in. That was the days of wall to wall parts and any type of adapters you can want. The only problem was at Christmas time when they would bring in the junky toys. They didn’t have any ham equipment then (I had my novice ticket then), but they had the best audio equipment.

  • Mike N8GBU:

    Another old but goodie name was Allied. They made some good quality receivers for Amateur radio. It’s to bad as Ron N8WCR states as time went on they started selling junk. Junk toys and stuff not many people would use.

  • Brian AB9ZI:

    One of the guys running Tandy actually wanted to change the name to “The Shack” because there were no radios in the stores. Another of those guys comnented that the stores “had quirky employees and quirky customers”.

  • Ken Snyder WQA9LFO:

    I hope they do ok.

  • Robert Kross KD9ITL:

    Built many science fair kits years back. I still have a box of radio shack parts that I have been using to this day. They made their money off small parts, F connectors, 75 ohm cable, 300 ohm antenna transformers. They had some excellent equipment in the day. Just rebuilt an old DX-150B shortwave radio, built like a truck. Not too many people like building or repairing anything, they would rather buy a cheap Chinese piece of junk. I wish them luck because there is always a market for small parts, just look at any hardware store.

  • snork:

    I worked at RadioShack back when they first started marketing themselves as The Shack. I remember a few of these store brands! I was trying to remember them, so I’m glad I found your article. It’s the only one I could source for the brand names! Thank you!

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