Reverse Beacon Network surprises
Last weekend I took part in the WAE DX CW contest and most of the time when I calling "CQ contest" on my second monitor I have the RBN or reverse beacon network up and running. The main reason for doing this to see where my signal is reaching and if it is targeting in the case of the WAE contest Europe. Now and then I see my signal has been spotted in both interesting places and far away places. This contest was no different, on Sunday morning I was spotted in New Zealand by ZL3X multiple times from 4dB to 11dB, VY0ERC in Eureka in Nunavut at 7dB and finally 5W1SA in Samoa at 8dB. Nice to know my 100 watts are getting out there!
What antenna are you using??
Well good morning Mike and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. The antenna is the Hustler 4BTV that is ground mounted in my backyard. I have 40 ground radials with the longest being 40 feet.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.