Saved by something or other

Today I almost bought a new rig. I say almost because it has been the closest time I have ever got to buying a new rig. I had a week with a KX3 and found it wasn’t to my taste, not because it didn’t perform well but for some reason or another it just didn’t do it for me. So I looked at the new Icom IC7300 and was really taken aback by it. It looks like a great rig and I’m sure it’ll do a lot for those that buy it, one day I might get one. Today I almost did. My finger was hovering over the buy now….I put one in the basket and got the credit card out. My XYL pointed out I could afford it (This made me very suspicious). Then I realised I was sure I didn’t actually want it. Am I losing the fun of radio?

I don’t think so.

I bought a LNR Precision Mountain Topper last April and have used it a handful of times and enjoyed the portability of it all. The simplicity and the lack of domestic real estate needed to make it work for me. I put together a neat little pack for taking away with me and I think I’ll refine that a little. Some things might look familiar, others look like they’re missing, notably a ‘flight deck’ or ‘thing to put your radio on whilst you’re operating out and about’. I’m going to laser cut a bespoke one that will fit into the case (which by the way is an old Dremel carry case). More on that later

Portable pack


So I decided to save my money and think about a shack in the box that I really miss, a Yaesu FT817ND. I sold my 817 a couple of years ago and regretted it from the minute I sold it. I think I will get myself a decent second hand one of those with a few of the bells and whistles I didn’t have the first time around. At least that’s what I think I’ll do today.

Tomorrow I’m sure I’ll change my mind again.

Alex Hill, G7KSE, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, UK. Contact him at

4 Responses to “Saved by something or other”

  • Bill K7BRR:

    Isn’t ham radio fun so many choices. I have the KX3 but I wonder how aKX2 would feel. I am at the age where simpler is better.

    73’s ponder on


  • jerry w5kaw:

    well own the yaesu ft-817nd and are planning on buying one more soon before it gets discontinued and also going to order two rf final boards just in case! but I love this little radio more for less plus next year hoping to buy a yaesu ft-991 over the icom 7300 due to getting 2m and 440 two bands more than the 7300 offers!! 🙂 HAVE FUN….

  • Mike KG9DW:

    It’s always a hard decision as to whether or not to buy a new piece of gear. I love my KX3 but I’m also happy to have a 706 in the shack for voice ops. I’m not a hard core operator (it’s a hobby ya know) so having the latest and greatest isn’t a goal of mine. I will say that my CW went from “barely proficient” to “can have a QSO” once I got the KX3. Hard to beat the filtering.

  • Alex g7kse:

    It isn’t just radio that share these idiosyncrasies. I cycle on a 2007 bike that is great. I got it second hand after someone had spent a lot on it and ride next to guys who’ve invested heavily. I’m convinced it won’t turn me into (insert favourite cyclist here) but I really enjoy riding on the bone shaking lakeland roads.

    You could say I’m a miser, you could also say that I’ve hit a sweet spot. I prefer the latter

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