Series Eight Episode Twenty-Five – VHF Repeater Project (GB3XP) (29 November 2015)
In this episode, Martin M1MRB / W9ICQ is joined by Ed Durrant DD5LP ,Martin Rothwell M0SGL, Chris Howard M0TCH and Andy Mace 2E0IBF to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief, and this episodes feature is VHF Repeater Project (GB3XP).
- PMR446 Liberalisation
- YOTA 2016 Austria - Call for Applications
- New Youth Amateur Radio Club
- New Amateur / Ham Radio Band on 5 MHz
- Emergency Communications Changes in Oregon
- New Sky Product Raises Pollution Fears
- UK Retailer Fined for Faulty Battery Sale
- New Raspberry Pi “Zero” Launched
- Afrikaans Amateur Radio Dictionary
- Marconi Recording Released