Some more satellite experiments – and a good 70MHz day
I wanted to try out the SSB satellites today and was pleased to listen to a couple of passes of FO-29. Signals were good and there was a surprising amount of activity. With the FT817 not being full duplex, working out the Doppler is a bit interesting, but Pete 2E0SQL has given me some useful info – so I will have another try soon and see how it goes.
Another QSO on SO-50 today, none other than 2E0SQL, so I was delighted. We’re only about 12 miles apart, so it’s fun to make a contact the long way round.
A good Es day too. 50MHz has been going well off and on through the day but I felt like concentrating on 70MHz. I worked 2 Italian stations this morning and then this evening the band was open to the Czech Republic, Poland -with the best of signals from Denmark where I was pleased to make several contacts including Bo, OZ2M.
Hi Tim, I’ve been following your updates on using the Elk Log Periodic 2m/440 antenna and working satellites. I just picked up that antenna at a local hamfest on Saturday and I want to also work satellites. I also have an FT-817 and a VX-7r, both capable radios for satellite work. I’d be interested to hear how you’ve been tracking the satellites and to know what information you’ve learned about the 817 from 2E0SQL. Any overall tips would be great! Thank you for your interesting blog.