Some very big changes at VE3WDM

Goodbye crazy driving
The new temp antenna
I have been very busy these past few weeks and my lack of blog posts can testify to that. Julie and I have been bouncing around some very big ideas. We have some very exciting plans ahead of us that will both help our over all well being. It also will bring about some huge changes with my hobby but I am very happy to say that it's a challenge I can meet. Both Julie and I have over an hour drive each way to work. We get up very early, get home late and to be early each evening. Then there is the winter months with the snow and crazy driving. We have decided to put our home up for sale here in the country and move to Toronto. We will be living in a condo as our kids have moved out and are doing just fine. This means downsizing both with our home belongings and my ham radio. We want to get a place that is in Toronto and over looks Lake Ontario. Both Julie and I are very excited about this and with this move I will be 10 min's from work and Julie 15 min's. We will have a fantastic board walk just steps from out condo. It thrills us that all the advantages of the city will be not an hour away but minutes.
So how does this affect radio for me.....well my Attic DX EE has been sold and already is taken down! Not to worry I still have my Alexloop that I can set up in my radio room until we sell and move. I have some gear for sale and it is slow but sure selling. I have sold the Sub receiver in my Elecraft K3 as I will be very limited with antennas in the new place. I don't have any room for an antenna for a sub receiver.  So I have been going over antenna options in a condo. There are far and few BUT one main advantage I will have that I don't have now is height! In the condo we are looking at the 11th floor and
up. I am thinking of using at first my Alexloop and then going to the MFJ loop antenna. This will be a new adventure in my QRP ham radio challenge.
Changes are coming
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at

4 Responses to “Some very big changes at VE3WDM”

  • GB KC5GB:

    You will like the MFJ Loop.
    My condition is the same as your new one, except I have a two floor ground unit with the loop tripod mounted on a 2nd fl deck.
    I bought the loop when we sold our home and have used it since(5 yrs) without incident. It performs very well as a DX antenna. I don’t mind the retuning because of the results, hi.
    GL es 73,

  • Paul, W3FIS:

    Consider a “stealth” antenna with a length of #26 magnet wire, end fed. From 10′ away you simply cannot see it. If it stretches or breaks, roll out a new piece!

    73 /paul W3FIS

  • Mike ve3wdm:

    Good evening GB, great to know that you have the loop and it’s doing well for you. I will have to get used to the retuning but that is one of the joys of the mag loop. We will be at least 10 floors up so that should help as well.
    Thanks for taking the time to comment and stopping by the blog.

  • Mike ve3wdm:

    Hi Paul, funny thing I was thinking the same as well and it’s a toss up between that and the mag loop but for the cost of mag wire that looks like a great option but I will have to first move and and see what things look like.
    Thanks for the comment and taking the time to post it.

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