Something new from Elecraft?

Will Elecraft be introducing something new at Hamvention tomorrow? Seems like it to me. Eric and Wayne posted the following on Facebook:

Notice the use of tomorrow's date in the display. Also - the current black chassis radios in the Elecraft line are the K3 and the KX3.  Both use black screws on the bezel - not silver. AND the last character before the word "Transceiver" on both radios is a "3" ...... not an "s". Lastly, there's no current radio in the Elecraft line (that I'm aware of) that has that little "down arrow" above the VFO knob.

Seems to me that a major announcement is in the offing for tomorrow. I guess time will tell!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at

6 Responses to “Something new from Elecraft?”

  • Bryan kc0lrp:


  • harry k7zov:

    The K3 yahoo group is going nut-so-wacko. It does appear to be a new radio. Now new is hard to say, but knowing Elecraft it will be dramatic as far as specs. It also looks like it will be much more professional looking. (Some people don’t like the way the K2, K3 and KX3 looks.) What Wayne posted is the following.. So tomorrow we will see what is behind Door number 1. 🙂

    73 harry k7zov

    Wayne Burdick [Elecraft_K3]
    Today at 12:09 PM

    Thursday morning.


  • Matt W1MST:

    +1, Goody. I love it!

  • Others are reporting/prognosticating/predicting/guessing the new rig is a “K3S”. Apparently it’s a ruggedized K3 or KX3. I will be live-tweeting in Dayton outside the Elecraft booth as EMT crews respond to the human stampede that results from this announcement.

  • Scott W0SGM:

    I hope its not something that makes me wish I had not just spent $3k on a K3 …

    I held off buying one for a couple years in hopes of a K4…and now this is a ????
    Why,I’ll hafta bang my head against the wall,sell the K3,sell the KX3..and be po’d for years before I recover from the trauma of it all 😉

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