Spring Hike to Knox Mountain

It was a perfect day for a hike up to Knox Mountain. I walked up after lunch and worked Ukraine, Italy and Portugal.


The first bridge crosses the brook a few minutes into the hike. It’s collapsing. One of the main support timbers has crashed into the water. The whole thing is sagging… I cross carefully.


The trail meanders through the woods alongside of the brook. It’s a glorious adventure. Huge pine trees tower above the path.


It’s about 50F today with some clouds. I’m looking for a way to cross the brook at the top end of the trail. The second bridge is gone and a board we placed across the rocks last year has washed away with the snow melt. I find a place about a quarter of a mile from the pond where I can jump safely across the rocks.


Alongside the brook, at the bottom of a steep hillside, I found an area covered with bright yellow colts foot flowers. Within a few minutes I reach the dam and the pond comes into view.


I walk around to the opposite bank and toss my line over a high cherry tree near the cabin. I pull up a 33 foot wire. I use the earchi.org 9:1 unun connected to the KX3 and run 5 watts.

I tune up on 15 meters and hear Dima, UT6UA in the Ukraine. We exchange reports and he gives me a 569. He’s a 599.


Next I work Walter IK5ZWU in Italy. He’s also a strong 599 and gives me a 559. Then I switch to 20 meters and call Oleg CT7/RC2A who is portable in Portugal. His signal is excellent and he gives me a 569.


I sit for a few minutes enjoying the view before I pack up. It’s been four months since I was here last. You can see why it’s a favorite spot.

Jim Cluett, W1PID, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Hampshire, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “Spring Hike to Knox Mountain”

  • Fred VE3FAL:

    Very nice, I just cannot wait for this winter to end and get some warmer walking and hiking weather, been way too long now, even too wet and miserable to set up on the picnic table.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Jim a very nice read and once again thanks for the great pictures.

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