Summer has arrived

Another warm, sunny day. It really seems as if summer has arrived. But it’s not the weather for sitting in the shack operating the radio. It actually gets a bit unbearable in the shack on warm days with all the equipment (not to mention the operator!) radiating heat.

The weather forecast is for fime weather on the next few days. I’m not complaining but dare I say it, Olga and I have been wishing for some rain – Olga to water the garden and me to see if the rain gauge of the new weather station is really working!

With some freshly charged batteries in the KX3 I thought I would see what I could hear from out in the garden. The answer was – not much. Band conditions seem to be pretty dire at the moment. True, the antenna I was using out there (a WonderWand L-Whip) is not the most efficient I could find but it is easy to tune and usually receives OK. But today I could hear almost nothing.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at

One Response to “Summer has arrived”

  • Mike KG9DW:

    Even with the big rig in the shack with a nice, long wire antenna, it’s been pretty quiet.

    I’ve been considering putting a coupling in the middle of my feedline so that I can disconnect the run before it heads to the house and sit under the shade tree or in the hammock and operate this summer.

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