Sweden SM5COP

I worked a new station in Sweden this morning on the 15 meter band. Rune (SM5COP) was my fourth contact into this country and doing a fine job into this valley; something not unexpected with this antenna array. I always enjoy a new contact and this one was in the mid-morning “sunlight” hours.

He’s using a TenTec Orion for his station and we talked briefly about the weather. This was an actual QSO instead of the usual 559 exchange.

I’m still enjoying some “early morning” contacts also. By this I mean “after midnight”. Recently I’ve worked EA6NB and EA7AJR in Spain and also DL4NAC in Germany.

I’m looking forward this the cool fall weather season. It makes me want to get out and do some outdoor operating. I plan to do so soon….

John Smithson, Jr., N8ZYA, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from West Virginia, USA. Contact him at jspiker58@gmail.com.

One Response to “Sweden SM5COP”

  • Bob East, K7GE:

    I heard you on 18.085 mhz @ 1612 GMT on 28 Sept. Signals 559 on a non-resonant inverted
    V antenna with an apex of 11.5 meters. Xcvr is an ICOM IC-7610. Your signals were the only ones loud enough to copy at my QTH.
    Bob, K7GE

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