Posts Tagged ‘6 and 10’
6 and 10 reports
Martin, G3USF has produced a few short for reports which hopefully clear up some of the backlog. They are kept in the usual place, here. The plan for future reports which are taking a while to compile is to produce the short forms as soon as possible and then to fill in the report as data comes in. There is always a little gaps between the issue date and the actual date but this is growing a little. Hopefully this will help to close that gap.
Please feel free to browse and hopefully you’ll enjoy what Martin, G3USF produces.
6 and 10 pages shuffle
The amount of 6 and 10 reports that I was hosting was begining to cause me a headache with space so I’ve shifted them onto a Dropbox public folder which can be accessed here. There is limited demand for these older reports but I hope they are useful to someone. Let me know if there are any problems.