Posts Tagged ‘Amplitude Modulation’

AM Fone -Where the Heavy Iron Meet

For some time, I have admired and loved AM radio. I worked at an AM broadcast station for 12 years. So I fell in love with that full sound. It has always appealed to me. And there are other out there who enjoy that too. And if you have ever wanted to be a part of that world, you can be. There is even a website for people who love AM as well as home brewing radios.

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I have been a lurker on for a while. I originally found it through the AM Window website. It has articles and files on how to get a top notch AM station on the air and sounding good. You can also have a look at the classifieds on the website to find equipment to supplement your existing AM station to to find that right receiver or transmitter to get your station started. There is even an area for restoration of old radios as well.

And not to leave out the folks who like new radios, there is also a section for modern rigs. Tips and modifications to get that modern solid state radio to be top notch on AM. And if you’re like me and want to just learn more in general about Ham Radio from a more technical side, this is an awesome site to do it from as well. Reading and asking questions is how to learn. And one of the things I have found on this site is a lack of old farts telling you “How it should be done”. Instead, I have found helpful people willing to share their knowledge.

Definitely check out this website if AM has been a mode you have been curious about. It’s well worth the look and you’ll be happy you did.


Rich also writes a Tech blog and posts stories every Tuesday and Thursday on Q103, The Rock of Albany’s website, as well as Amateur Radio stories every Monday thru Friday here on AmiZed Studios.

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