Posts Tagged ‘Digital’

LHS Episode #026: Junk in the Trunk

irlpBack from Baltimore and ready for more ham radio, Linux and Linux in the HAM Shack. I had originally planned to get this episode out before I left for the Large Installation System Administration conference in Maryland, but it didn't work out that way. I even brought all the audio with me to assemble the podcast during my off time at the conference. It turned out there wasn't any off time, so I wound up having to finish up when I got home. That being said, I have to admit this is my favorite episode so far.  It seems like Richard and I are finally getting the hang of this podcast thing. We truly appreciate all our listeners. It makes the time, effort and money of putting out this program worth it.

In Episode #024, we bring you some final wrap-up from Ohio Linux Fest, including interviews with ham radio operators, Linux users, Beth Lynn Eicher from OLF, members of the Drupal project and more. We answer listener comments and questions, of which there are many, and I talk about my getting back on the air and include my new experiences with digital communication via ham radio, from PSK to IRLP. Grab a drink, sit back and enjoy this episode of Linux in the HAM Shack. And if you have a spare couple of dollars, drop them in the can so we can bring our show to the national ham radio convention in 2010: The Dayton Hamvention.

73 de Russ, K5TUX

LHS Episode #010

That’s right, everyone. We’ve hit Episode 10. I know it’s hard to believe. We can hardly believe it ourselves. This one has been sitting in the editing room for a while due to life conflicts once again. It also spent a lot of time going through the editing machine. All that said, it’s finally produced, mostly coherent, and occasionally informative.

As always, thank you so much for listening to the program. Please help spread the word about Linux in the HAM shack by tweeting about us, posting on your blogs, telling your fellow hams and just getting the word out. We appreciate it, and we’ll do the same for you if you send us your information.

Tons of feedback in this episode and then we tackle digital modes from RTTY to Throb. Enjoy.

73 de Russ

LHS Episode #005

Episode #005 is here. This is the first in a two-part series where we begin to discuss using Linux with your ham radio to participate in digital modes. We outline the software and hardware you might use to enjoy PSK31, a very popular digital mode in amateur radio. We take a look at sound cards, serial ports, rig control interfaces and prepare you for part two, which will get into the specifics of using Linux software to operate your radio in PSK31 mode. Thank you for downloading our latest episode, and please send us your feedback.

Also, we now broadcast the recording of Linux in the HAM Shack using Ustream TV. Follow Richard or Russ on Twitter to find out when the recording goes live, or check on the web site. An event calendar will be available shortly which will let you know when we will be recording. Your comments may even be included in the podcast!

73 de Russ, K5TUX

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