Posts Tagged ‘Hiram’
The Old Man
The several times I’ve read the writings of the Hiram Percy Maxim, I get the feeling I would have really liked this guy in real life. I think a lot of his writings could be republished today with some minor editing of language and figures of speech that are no longer around, and the content and arguments would easily apply to current modern day situations and problems within amateur radio. It’s amazing that as much as things change, things are still the same.
This article, Rotten Damped Spark Stuff, is a Maxim gem. Considering Maxim’s feelings at the time about damped spark, I think Maxim would have been equally vocal during the AM versus SSB and code versus no-code test battles in favor of more progressive trends and technology in amateur radio.
Something interesting to note about the article, Maxim ends it with “So long and 73’s to the gang. “[emphasis added]. Any time a boob on the two US ham moron forums wants to argue about the inappropriate use of 73’s, quote this article and tell him to go away.