Posts Tagged ‘Linux’

LHS Episode #037: Riders on the Storm

There are good things coming up in the world of GNOME and Linux in the Ham Shack has some of the scoop. In this episode we had the good fortune to interview Stormy Peters, the executive director over at the GNOME Foundation. We’d love to tell you all the stuff she told us, but that’s what downloading the episode is all about. We wouldn’t want to spoil any surprises.

We are currently in migration from Hostican to our new hosting, which includes a mix of BlueCows Technical Services and GoDaddy. During this process, some of the Web site features may come and go, but rest assured everything will be back online eventually. I believe most everything is working now except for the OGG feed and I am working on that. It is very important that everyone switch over to the new RSS feeds in your podcatcher of choice. We wouldn’t want you to miss a single episode. Click or hover over the RSS Feed links on the left-hand side of the main Web page for the correct new URLs. And remember, our new e-mail address is info at lhspodcast dot info. That will go to both of us.

Don’t forget about the current contests. Don’t forget to show up at the Texas Linux Fest in April, the Southeast Linux Fest in June and the Ohio Linux Fest in September. Don’t forget to tell 200 of your closest friends about the podcast. Don’t forget to donate to the noise gate fund. And don’t forget to have fun listening to the show!


The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #036: Are We There Yet?

We’ve managed to cobble together another round table discussion for Episode #034 of Linux in the HAM Shack. Thanks to Lord Drachenblut of Ten Buck Review and our party crasher, Jonathan, KB1KIX, for helping us out with this episode.

The format is a little bit different this time based on some feedback from listeners. If you like what you hear or would rather have us go back to the way things were, let us know. We’re interested in what you think. Our topic tonight is a thought provoking e-mail that we received before last episode from Jim, N2ENN. Hopefully we’ve given it an honest appraisal.

Please send us your feedback, your questions and your donations to obtain a noise gate for Richard. Also, enter our two contests for a chance to win real money! And stay tuned for our next recording. We have a very special guest interview coming up. You won’t want to miss it.

73 from the LHS Guys

LHS Episode #027: Where Are My Meds?

haarpWe have topped 40,000 downloads! Thanks go out to all of our listeners and live webcast attendees for making Linux in the HAM Shack as popular as it is. Give yourselves a huge round of applause. We're also well on our way to our donation goal of $750 so we can buy booth space and Internet access at the Dayton Hamvention in Dayton, Ohio, in May of 2010. Thank you for all of your donations. Please keep them coming as you're able to send them in!

In this episode, we address listener feedback and comments, and then in a burst of inspiration invite listeners from the chat room to come onto the program for a lively and very fun roundtable discussion. Topics were varied, from portable antenna design, to life without Red Bull; from the HAARP VLF array in Alaska to D-STAR, PACTOR and other digital ham radio communication modes. And since I was on meds and Richard was off his, things got a little crazy towards the end.

We hope you enjoy this episode of Linux in the HAM Shack. Please leave us comments or questions on the web site or via voice mail at 888-455-0305. And send your best wishes to Bill, KA9WKA, who has taken on the responsibility of getting LHS's show notes out in a timely fashion. Thanks, Bill. You're a lifesaver!

73 de Russ, K5TUX

LHS Episode #025: APRS and Xastir

aprsRichard and I have been busy over the last couple of weeks. He spent a day at the Belton Hamfest near Waco, Texas on October 3rd. The weekend before that, I spent a few days in Columbus, Ohio at Ohio Linux Fest. This is our first episode back from those events. I have a few hours of audio I need to sift through, but I managed to get a couple of clips from my interviews and commentary from OLF included in the second segment of this episode of the podcast. Because I had a visit from my parents and my brother and sister-in-law from New Hampshire, I haven’t been able to get the podcast out in a timely manner. I suppose after 25 releases, I should probably stop apologizing for being late but I do like it when we release on time. Anyway, enjoy our interviews and Richard’s discourse on APRS and Xastir, and stay tuned for a lot of great audio from our live endeavors coming up in future episodes. Thanks for downloading, and have a great couple of weeks.

LHS Episode #020

Linux MintLinux in the HAM Shack #020 has arrived. This one ran a little bit long so it’s been cut into two parts. The second part will wind up being the first half of Episode #022. For this show, we brought in a friend of the show to help us with a discussion of Linux Mint and several amateur radio topics. Thanks to Bill, KA9WKA, for sitting in with us. The amateur radio portion of the discussion is being pushed over to the next show, so be on the lookout for that in a couple of weeks. This time we answer feedback, talk with the live participants in the chatroom and give all the ins and outs of Linux Mint on various platforms, from laptops to desktops to netbooks.

Thanks to all of our listeners for downloading the podcast and sending us your comments and other feedback. We hope it’s as much fun for you as it is for us. And remember, leave us an audio comment at +1-888-455-0305 and we’ll get you on the podcast. And if you want to participate as KA9WKA did, let us know and we’ll set you up.

73 de Russ and Richard

LHS Episode #019: OSCON 2009 Update 1

Hey, eosconveryone. I’m spending the week in San Jose, California at the O’Reilly OSCON conference. Since OSCON is an Open Source convention and has a lot of information about Linux and Open Source, I thought I would bring our listeners a couple of updates from the con. We’ll call these supplemental episodes of Linux in the HAM Shack. The second one will be along in a couple of days. Hopefully this will provide a little insight into the conference experience, and I’m going to share as much useful information as I pick up with our listeners. Thanks for downloading, and look for our next live podcast on Tuesday, 7/28 at 8:00pm CDT.

73 de Russ, K5TUX

LHS Episode #014

Greetings to all of our listeners! Episode #014 is here. Thanks to our fans, the feedback segment has turned into a couple of questions we spend the rest of the episode answering. It’s so nice when the topics present themselves with no help from us. Richard and I discuss why a ham radio operator, or anyone for that matter, might want to choose Linux as their preferred operating system. Then we discuss WINE and how it can be used to install and run Windows appliactions under Linux. And then we close with Slow-Scan TV using qsstv, a Linux client, and mmsstv, a Windows client under WINE. Finally we get the word out about our fellow great podcasters and their podcasts.

Thanks as always to everyone for downloading the podcast. Please tell everyone you know about us, and if you have a couple of bucks burning a hole in your pocket, feel free to donate to LHS so we can improve the program. In the next couple of episodes we’ll have our first formal interview segment so stay tuned for that.

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