Posts Tagged ‘Linux’
LHS Episode #151: Astronaughty
Greetings! We have a super episode for you this time around. It's 151 Proof and packed with information on the Dayton Hamvention, NASA launches, lightweight Linux distributions that might be great in your ham shack, Android apps for amateur radio use and a whole lot more. Thanks for tuning in, and we hope you enjoy this episode. If you have comments or questions, please don't hesitate to send us voice mail or e-mail feedback. We'd love to hear from you.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #150: The Sesquicentennial
Well, folks, it's hard to put a description on this episode. We talk about our usual range of topics, but there is so much more thrown in that we can't even begin to enumerate it all. One thing that can be said, however, is that this episode was FUN. We hope you enjoy it all the way to the end. Apologies for the first 20 minutes or so of Pete's microphone audio. We promise, it does get better. THANK YOU for being a listener. We do this all for you.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #145: Screaming Peanuts
Hello, friends! We're back with another fine episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we tackle topics like digital voice, the release of the 4.0 Linux kernel, installing or running Linux from a thumb drive, and a few rants from the peanut gallery. Please enjoy, and come back in a couple weeks for the next one!
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #138: Being David Rowe
How about that: It's the first episode of Linux in the Ham Shack for 2015! We hope everyone is having a great new year so far. In this episode, we talk with David Rowe, VK5DGR, of Adelaide, South Australia. David is an audio engineer, Ph.D. scholar, inventor of Codec2 and co-author of FreeDV, among his many accolades. We talk to David about his projects, Linux, amateur radio, life in Australia, LinuxConf AU, the new SM1000 FreeDV device, the amount of energy it takes to make a Krispy Kreme donut, home built electric cars, and much more. Until next time...
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #137: Bacon Wins
Greetings, salutations and happy holidays! Today your weary hosts (minus one) bring you some great information about great topics, like: Why you should avoid, why you should upgrade your WordPress installation, why you should try ElementaryOS, why the government is like a turtle, and why bacon renders your argument invalid. Be well, listen often, and stay safe.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #136: Introduction to FreeDV
Hello, everyone! We are back again with another fun and informative episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, your hosts discuss solar flares, lots of space weather, stable and easy-to-install Linux distributions, H.R. 4969, Quentin Tarantino, dinner rolls and the amazing and fun new transmission mode for HF known as FreeDV. Don’t miss a second of this action-packed episode.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #135: A Mouthful of Potatoes
In this fortnight’s episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, Pete (VE2XPL), returns to the land of the living. Your intrepid hosts discuss explosions in the sky, a “holiday” for ham radio operators, Linux vulnerabilities, caipirinhas, and ask the vital question: What is Allstar Link and does anyone use it? All that and more in this action-packed installment of LHS. Thanks for watching, and as always…
73 de The LHS Guys