Posts Tagged ‘Linux’
LHS Episode #113: Eye to the QScope
Yes, that's right: It's another brand-new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack! We know it's been a while since your RSS feed has been filled with the joy of our show, but we're back and aiming to stay on track (now that Richard is safely tucked into his cardboard box again). In this action-packed installment, your hosts discuss promoting Linux in the classroom, a wedding interrupted by a radio transmission from above, WA0EIR's updated suite of Open Source ham radio tools, and a novel analytics tool for hams called QScope. See you all down the dial very soon!
73 de The LHS Guys
Show Notes #109
Episode #109 Audio (Listen now!):
After a callsign mixup resulting in Russ calling Pete VE2XPW, the show is off to a flying start.
- Antenna Modelers
- Google Launches Stratospheric Internet Balloons
- The Linux in the Ham Shack Badger hits the Big Time!
Main Topic:
- Field Day
Announcements & Feedback:
- Contest Extended to Episode #110
- To give time for more entries, the contest will be extended. You can become a subscriber or leave a voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (547-7469). For voice mail entries, remember to complete the thought, “I deserve a Beaglebone Black because,” and make sure to leave contact info. The winner will be announced on Episode #110. Entries must be received by midnight on the day of recording, July 2, 2013.
- E-mail from Gary, KN4AQ, of
Social Media Roundup:
- Google+
- Terje H (Added)
- Pierre M (Added)
- Peter W (Added)
- Raymund W (Added)
- Rene, PD5RS (Posted)
- To find Russ on any personal instance (,, etc) use the email [email protected]
Subscribers and Donations:
- Doug (Yearly Subscription)
- Jonas R (Yearly Subscription)
- “Let This Monkey Go” by Heifervescent from the album Little Egg, courtesy of Jamendo.
- “Open Your Eyes” by Leslie Hunt from the album Your Hair Is on Fire, courtesy of Jamendo.
Show Notes #108
- Linux in the Ham Shack is having a contest! We will be giving away a Beaglebone Black. ( If you are currently a subscriber at the monthly or yearly levels, you are already entered and need not do a thing. If you are not a subscriber, you have 2 choices: #1 is you become a subscriber at the monthly or yearly rate or, #2 is you can call the LHS voice line (1-909-547-7469) and complete this thought: “I deserve a Beaglebone Black because…” Your answers can be as serious or ludicrous as you like. Please include a call sign, if you have one, and an e-mail address or phone number in your voice mail so we can let you know if you’ve won and find out where to ship your snazzy new Beaglebone Black. All entries must be received by 10:00pm Central Time on June 16th. The drawing will be done during the live recording of episode #109 on June 18th. Good luck!
- The annual WX4NHC On-the-Air Station Test from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami took place this past Saturday, June 1, 1300-2100 UTC (9AM-5PM EDT). “The purpose of this annual station test was to test all of our radio equipment, computers and antennas using as many modes and frequencies as possible in preparation for this year’s hurricane season.”
- The spring and summer severe weather season is here once again; are you prepared to take care of yourselves for up to 10 days?
- (.PDF 2004, 204 pages)
- In Canada: (Eng. & French)
- Don’t forget to use your favorite search engine, and look up your county’s emergency management site, and your state’s for more localized information.
- Source:
- Arch Linux 2013.06.01 is now available for download on mirrors worldwide, and it is powered by the latest stable Linux kernel, version 3.9.4. This monthly updated ISO image also contains all the updated packages from the last release. The ISO is for new installations only. Existing users can just run sudo pacman -Syu
- Source: Linux Today: Jun 03, 2013, 15:00
- Mumble 1.2.4, the successor of 1.2.3 has been released on June 1st 2013. It comes with a new audio codec called the Opus codec. “The Opus codec is designed to handle a wide range of interactive audio applications, including Voice over IP, videoconferencing, in-game chat, and even remote live music performances. It can scale from low bit-rate narrowband speech to very high quality stereo music.”
- Source: Linux Today: Jun 03, 2013, 15:00
- The Future of Ham Radio
- Reasons Linux Doesn’t Star In U.S. Schools
- Voicemail from Lord Drachenblut re: Episode #101
- LHS Members:
- None
- Twitter Followers:
- Paul Shirey – KC9QYB – @uDaeth
- Peter W. – @ochotona_p
- Facebook followers/likes:
- None
Contact Info:
- Contact Russ at [email protected] or [email protected].
- Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
- Leave us a voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (547-7469), or record an introduction to the podcast.
- Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
- LHS merchandise is available at the Merch link on Web site. Check out the Badgerwear or buy one of the other LHS-branded items at PrintFection or CafePress. Thanks!
- Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music.
- “Shot Down” by Josh Woodward, courtesy of Jamendo.
- “Breath Away” by Meat the Machine from the album Songs from the Gutter, courtesy of Jamendo.
LHS Episode #109: Having a Field Day
Hello, dear listener! Welcome to Episode #109 of Linux in the Ham Shack. This episode is being released a bit early because there is time sensitive material included, and we wanted to make sure it was available to everyone before the ARRL Field Day weekend, June 22-23, 2013.
Also included along with our thoughts on Field Day are our thoughts on Electronic Design Automation, Manjaro Linux and some introspection and extrospection on the art of podcasting. We would like to warn everyone in advance that this episode of LHS may include language that some listeners might find objectionable or not suitable for young children. We don't plan on making this a habit, but due to the strong feelings involved and the importance of the topic being discussed, we did not feel censorship was appropriate.
We hope you enjoy this installment and look forward to your continued listenership. Also, don't forget to check out the Contests page for info on how you can still win a Beaglebone Black!
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #108: Mumble in the Jungle
Hello and welcome to the first episode to be released on schedule in quite some time! It looks like our contest to award a Beaglebone Black to some lucky listener is going well. Make sure to get your entries in before 10:00pm Central on June 16th, either by becoming a member or completing the thought "I deserve a Beaglebone Black because..." on our voice line at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (547-7469). The drawing will be held during our live recording of Episode #109 on June 18th.
In this installment, your hosts travel the world of Linux and Ham Radio, discussing the latest release of ArchLinux, hurricane and disaster preparedness, the free-software Mumble project, computers in education and more. We even have voice feed back from Lord D, addressing a philosophical topic discussed in Episode #101. Sit down with a drink and get comfortable. This episode will make you think--we hope.
73 de The LHS Guys
Show Notes #107
- Linux in the Ham Shack is having a contest! We will be giving away a Beaglebone Black. ( If you are currently a subscriber at the monthly or yearly levels, you are already entered and need not do a thing. If you are not a subscriber, you have 2 choices: #1 is you become a subscriber at the monthly or yearly rate or, #2 is you can call the LHS voice line (1-909-547-7469) and complete this thought: “I deserve a Beaglebone Black because…” Your answers can be as serious or ludicrous as you like. Please include a call sign, if you have one, and an e-mail address or phone number in your voice mail so we can let you know if you’ve won and find out where to ship your snazzy new Beaglebone Black. All entries must be received by 10:00pm Central Time on June 16th. The drawing will be done during the live recording of episode #109 on June 18th. Good luck!
- Ray Manzarek, the founding member of The Doors, Dies at age 74. Manzarek died Monday in Rosenheim, Germany, surrounded by his family. The musician’s manager, Tom Vitorino, confirmed Manzarek died after being stricken with bile duct cancer. The Doors have sold more than 100 million record
- Linux in the Ham Shack has a most famous listener: Adam Curry, the Podfather himself. His ham radio call sign is KF5SLN, and this is the coolest thing that has ever happened to LHS. He does the No Agenda podcast with John C. Dvorak.
- The guys reminisce about Dayton Hamvention 2013. A big thanks go to all who stopped by the LHS booth. A big thank you goes to the mystery Robin Hood who robbed his wallet to give to the poor podcasters from Linux in the Ham Shack. There was a raffle for a Pignology Piglet from Sierra Radio Systems. Russ got the piglet at a reduced price and gave it away. Thanks go to George (KJ6VU) and Nick (N3WG) for the reduced price and for other work that they have done for Linux in the Ham Shack.
- Interview with Daniel Thau, lead developer of Bedrock Linux
- Python for kids tutorials
- Why You Should Not Retire. Retiring decreases your physical and mental heath. This is due to a decrease in social interaction which proves an age old saying: if you don’t use it, you loose it.
- LHS Members:
- Hy C. W2HY
- Twitter Followers:
- @W3RKN
- Facebook followers/likes:
- Doug D.
- Dieter B.
- E-mail from John, G7VRI
- Blog Post from KE8P (
- Web Comment from Josh, KK4LGZ
- Web Comment from Adam, KF5SLN (“The Podfather”)
- Thanks to our monthly donors
- Thanks to all of our listeners (live & via podcast)
Contact Info:
- Contact Russ at [email protected] or [email protected].
- Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
- Leave us a voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (547-7469), or record an introduction to the podcast.
- Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
- LHS merchandise is available at the Merch link on Web site. Check out the Badgerwear or buy one of the other LHS-branded items at PrintFection or CafePress. Thanks!
- Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music.
- Music: “Tramp” by Kassy Key & the Raindoggs, courtesy of Jamendo.
- Music: “The Sun Is Shining” by Boxing Fox from the album The Shepherd Hates Us, courtesy of Jamendo.
LHS Episode #107: Sorry for Party Bedrocking
This is the first episode to be recorded since Hamvention back in mid-May. Russ gives his thoughts on the event and tells everyone about the contest that was held there, and also the new one that is being held for all of our listeners. Please get your entries in. You don't want to miss out on winning a Beaglebone Black! An interesting new Linux project that Russ heard about, called Bedrock Linux, came to his attention at Hamvention. The hosts interview the lead developer in the main segment of the program. On top of that, they discuss topics from milk shakes to retirement, announce the show's most famous listener to date and bring back The Badger. You don't want to miss any of this goodness.
73 de The LHS Guys