Posts Tagged ‘logging’
LHS Episode #078: Kubuntu is Bloodthirsty
In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, our intrepid hosts put aside idle banter, childish meandering and silly stories in favor of true content, both ham radio and Linux related. All right, that doesn’t happen even a little bit. Instead, Richard has a lot of fun telling you all the trouble he has with Linux Mint Debian Edition, all the while mentioning a bunch of other operating systems he’s tried recently including Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Crunchbang among others–letting you know what’s wrong with all of them.
Then there’s some discussion of svxlink, an Echolink client and server application for native Linux environments, Allstar Link, Open Media Vault, contest loggers and a whole bunch of other stuff besides. Ahh, perhaps there is some content here after all. Hope everyone enjoys this episode and can perhaps contribute a dollar or two towards the Hamvention fund. It’s coming up soon and we hope to see you all there.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #049: CQRlog Revisited
Hello, everyone! Due to Cheryl having some hand surgery and my being a telecommuter for the last month or so, I haven’t been able to keep up with the podcast release cycle. We’ve been recording episodes like we’re supposed to. It’s just been impossible to get them released on time. That means that #047 and #048 are going to be released in rapid succession so you’ll get twice the LHS yummy goodness.
This time around, Richard has been looking a little deeper into CQRlog, a great logging program for Linux created by OK2CQR. We talked about this program in a past episode and we’ve mentioned it a few more times in passing. This time we’re getting down deep into the features and all of the integrations CQRlog has with other ham radio applications. We also address our usual announcements, feedback, other technical topics and throw in a bunch of witty banter just to keep things interesting. Thanks, all, for staying with us while we try and get back to a regular podcasting cycle. Keep listening and keep spreading the word.
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #048: Better Late Than Never
Linux in the Ham Shack took a bit of an unintended hiatus over the last month. We’re in the process of trying to catch back up to where we’re supposed to be. The current episode recording schedule has been posted and is accurate. We’re going to do a couple of broadcasts two weeks in a row and then the next three releases will be coming out in rapid succession so we’re back on track.
After the Dayton Hamvention, Southeast Linux Fest, Joplin ARC Hamfest and Ohio Linux Fest, things have slowed down a bit on the event front, but we’re just starting up again when it comes to the show. So please stay tuned, tell your friends about us, and make sure to pick up a shirt or a ball cap. These are high quality items, and the only way you can get them is online or when we’re at an event close to you. Also, check out the new BADGER WEAR! You can find a link to all of our merchandise at the top of this Web site. Have a good week, everyone, and thanks for listening!
73 de The LHS Guys
LHS Episode #012
Logging applications are finally on tap for Episode #012. We take a look at a three interesting QSO logging applications, one graphical and the other two console based. And while we know that could have been a show all on its own, we packed in three different perspectives on CrunchBang Linux. Yes, that’s right, three perspectives. We’ve invited a special guest to give us his impressions of CrunchBang Linux on the Acer Eee PC netbook platform. Richard explores CrunchBang on a standard PC using the Live CD image, and I talk about running the Live CD and installing CrunchBang in a virtual machine.
And that’s not all. We address listener comments, feedback, questions and talk with the live guests in our chatroom. It’s the longest and most action-packed Linux in the HAM Shack yet, and we’re just getting started. Thanks for listening, and don’t forget to keep the feedback coming.
73 de K5TUX
LHS Episode #011
Today we present Linux in the HAM Shack for the eleventh time. Because of a topic snafu we switched to a completely untested and radically different format for the program. However, in the words of esteemed author Douglas Adams: “Don’t panic.” We simply rolled the live feed into something resembling a roundtable discussion of Linux and ham radio related topics that we think listeners will find rather interesting and engaging.
That being said, because of the unusual format of the program some of the dialogue may seem a little strange. In most cases it can be explained as one of the hosts reading questions or reciting information provided by the live participants in the chat room at the time of recording. We also managed to wrangle a special third co-host for the middle portion of the program.
All in all it’s a wild and crazy ride. Thank you as always for downloading the podcast, and special thanks to those who helped us out by joining us for the live recording of the program. Please check the web site for the next time you can hear us record live and participate in the program yourself.
Enjoy this special edition of Linux in the HAM Shack and we’ll be back in a couple of weeks with a program on logging software, a review or two of CrunchBang Linux and much, much more.
73 de K5TUX and KB5JBV