Posts Tagged ‘MFJ 1788’

FT8 from zero to fifteen seconds

A FT8 contact
Well I took the FT 8 plunge this weekend, I have read many blog and twitter posts about it and it's such a cool digi mode! After watching some YouTube videos  I downloaded WSJT-X 1.8.0 bata software. The only changes I made was I  went into the General tab and set up some custom "behavior" settings:
1. Double-click on call sets Tx enabled.
2. Disable Tx after sending 73
 All the Radio settings were passed from the older release to the beta release. I found as others have posted that the FT 8 section of the band is very busy for a brand new mode it sure has caught on very fast. Watching the YouTube videos was a big help as this is a very fast mode compared to other digi modes. In the past with JT8 and JT65 I was able to get some blog writing done when operating BUT this new mode you have to pay attention. If you are searching and pouncing the software is very automatic when you make contact with a station as it moves through the contact process on it's own. I have up to this point only made State side contacts but having said that with the solar conditions that's great for my QRP.

I heard a loud bang!

Oliver likes the other use for the antenna cover
The inside looked great
Over this past weekend I was not able to get out and about with KX3 and CHA P Loop for portable ops as the weather was not very co-operative. I decided to throw the switch on the K3 at home instead, I really did not find too much on the bands. My antenna as I have mentioned in the past is the MFJ 1788 Mag loop. For me to get on the radio the antenna has to be moved to the centre of the balcony and a feedline brought out to it. This is only a 2 minute job to accomplish and the plan most of the time is when I am done to remove the coax and store the antenna back in the corner of the balcony. Now and then I leave it where it is after setup as I may want to use it later. On Saturday I left the antenna in the “operation position” overnight. I woke up at about 3:30 AM to some very loud and strong winds, I thought I should go and get the antenna and put it to the side in its stored position. Then as that thought was leaving me I heard BANG!!! The wind had blown the Loop over and it hit with a very loud bang. I went out right away and up righted the antenna removed the coax and placed the antenna off the side.  Later in the morning I brought the antenna in to inspect it for damage. The outside looked good but it was the antenna tuning capacitor and circuitry end of the antenna that made the loud contact with the concrete floor. I removed the covers and was pleased to find no damage had been done. I then tested the antenna and all was good. Lesson learned, it only takes to minutes to put it to the side and bring it out again. This is worth the time as opposed to spending HUGE money on a new antenna or getting it repaired.  With taking the covers off it allowed me to also do my annual inspection of the antenna as well. 

I heard a loud bang!

Oliver likes the other use for the antenna cover
The inside looked great
Over this past weekend I was not able to get out and about with KX3 and CHA P Loop for portable ops as the weather was not very co-operative. I decided to throw the switch on the K3 at home instead, I really did not find too much on the bands. My antenna as I have mentioned in the past is the MFJ 1788 Mag loop. For me to get on the radio the antenna has to be moved to the centre of the balcony and a feedline brought out to it. This is only a 2 minute job to accomplish and the plan most of the time is when I am done to remove the coax and store the antenna back in the corner of the balcony. Now and then I leave it where it is after setup as I may want to use it later. On Saturday I left the antenna in the “operation position” overnight. I woke up at about 3:30 AM to some very loud and strong winds, I thought I should go and get the antenna and put it to the side in its stored position. Then as that thought was leaving me I heard BANG!!! The wind had blown the Loop over and it hit with a very loud bang. I went out right away and up righted the antenna removed the coax and placed the antenna off the side.  Later in the morning I brought the antenna in to inspect it for damage. The outside looked good but it was the antenna tuning capacitor and circuitry end of the antenna that made the loud contact with the concrete floor. I removed the covers and was pleased to find no damage had been done. I then tested the antenna and all was good. Lesson learned, it only takes to minutes to put it to the side and bring it out again. This is worth the time as opposed to spending HUGE money on a new antenna or getting it repaired.  With taking the covers off it allowed me to also do my annual inspection of the antenna as well. 

A 40m WSPR weekend

40m from 7am-7pm local time
With the Solar cycle heading on a downward trend I have been reading how 40, 80 and 160m may be the bands of choice for QSO's. Since my MFJ 1788 will only venture down to 40m and at the best of times I have found it to preform like a wet noodle on this band. I decided this weekend to give WSPR a go on 40m using 1 watt to see what results I got. My 1 watt signal was picked up throughout Canada and the U.S. There was a one off to Spain but the consensus from was on 40m my DX was going to be North America. There was one odd report which repeated itself over and over, it was from WY1R saying he was hearing me on 6m?? Not to sure what that was all about. I also was checking with PSK reporter looking at WSPR mode and funny thing was there was never any hits for my call?
40m from 7am-1am local time

A 40m WSPR weekend

40m from 7am-7pm local time
With the Solar cycle heading on a downward trend I have been reading how 40, 80 and 160m may be the bands of choice for QSO's. Since my MFJ 1788 will only venture down to 40m and at the best of times I have found it to preform like a wet noodle on this band. I decided this weekend to give WSPR a go on 40m using 1 watt to see what results I got. My 1 watt signal was picked up throughout Canada and the U.S. There was a one off to Spain but the consensus from was on 40m my DX was going to be North America. There was one odd report which repeated itself over and over, it was from WY1R saying he was hearing me on 6m?? Not to sure what that was all about. I also was checking with PSK reporter looking at WSPR mode and funny thing was there was never any hits for my call?
40m from 7am-1am local time

DX contact out of the blue!

Good afternoon from VE3WDM, it's a Sunday afternoon and the weather is sunny with a high of +10C. It was a nice day for a walk which my wife and I did mid afternoon. Once home it was time to setup for the software for the up coming CQ WW CW contest. There were some bugs I had to workout with the software and I did without issue. Then there were some minor issues that I am just going to forget about for now. For example I have no idea why my Winkeyer USB when N1MM+ is running will allow me to only control the CW speed but for some reason I just can't seem to communicate with the Winkeyer to setup and execute macros?? I'm not going to sweat it as in the past I have found that once you start monkeying around with the different pieces of software things that did not work now work...........BUT things that did work DONT!
While setting things up I did have the K3 on and the P3 waterfall viewing the 20m band. I did notice TL8AO and the HUGE pileup that was "UP" 2 KHz on the band. Funny thing as I was listening I did find an op more often than not calling on TL8AO's calling freq and not splitting "UP" On the waterfall of the P3 I did notice a new strong CW signal appear so I pointed and clicked over to it. It was HI3Y in the Dominican calling CQ and "UP". I listened as I setup the split and he seemed to be calling without a pileup. I threw my call out there and he came back to me with a report. He was in the books just that only if my 5 watts could break the pileup with TL8AO that fast! Time to start dinner now.......Tenderloin steak on the BBQ, mini potatoes on the BBQ with butter and rosemary and finally butternut squash........yum! 

DX contact out of the blue!

Good afternoon from VE3WDM, it's a Sunday afternoon and the weather is sunny with a high of +10C. It was a nice day for a walk which my wife and I did mid afternoon. Once home it was time to setup for the software for the up coming CQ WW CW contest. There were some bugs I had to workout with the software and I did without issue. Then there were some minor issues that I am just going to forget about for now. For example I have no idea why my Winkeyer USB when N1MM+ is running will allow me to only control the CW speed but for some reason I just can't seem to communicate with the Winkeyer to setup and execute macros?? I'm not going to sweat it as in the past I have found that once you start monkeying around with the different pieces of software things that did not work now work...........BUT things that did work DONT!
While setting things up I did have the K3 on and the P3 waterfall viewing the 20m band. I did notice TL8AO and the HUGE pileup that was "UP" 2 KHz on the band. Funny thing as I was listening I did find an op more often than not calling on TL8AO's calling freq and not splitting "UP" On the waterfall of the P3 I did notice a new strong CW signal appear so I pointed and clicked over to it. It was HI3Y in the Dominican calling CQ and "UP". I listened as I setup the split and he seemed to be calling without a pileup. I threw my call out there and he came back to me with a report. He was in the books just that only if my 5 watts could break the pileup with TL8AO that fast! Time to start dinner now.......Tenderloin steak on the BBQ, mini potatoes on the BBQ with butter and rosemary and finally butternut squash........yum! 

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